Tag Archives: anal

‘Sorry’ seems to be the hottest word

Note, before we begin, that this post is going to describe a rape fantasy. I use the phrase ‘rape fantasy’ instead of something softer like ‘consensual non-consent scene’ because I think it’s more accurate. As with any fantasy, the fact that someone enjoys it in their head does not mean they’ll necessarily enjoy it in real life, and so my writing should on no account ever be taken as a justification to do anything like this with your partners. Nor even, if I’m the one you’re fucking, should you take it as permission to do it to me. If you fully understand this, and you’re not going to be freaked out by the idea of that, let’s talk about why ‘sorry’ is the hottest word you can say at the moment of climax.


Hot Octopuss Plex prompted some fun anal experiments

I don’t know if I’m allowed to just invent a piece of sex etiquette, like I’m the editor of NSFW Debrett’s, but if I were allowed to do that, I’d suggest an etiquette rule like this: if you’re fucking someone with a butt toy in, and you have the ability to hold it there while you pound them, you absolutely should. So for instance, if we’re fucking doggy-style, one hand laid on my butt with a steadying thumb against the base of the plug (not pushing in, just holding still) will calm my anxious mind and mean I can focus on the shag rather than the worry that I’m about to inadvertently shoot it across the room. This rule brought to you by a woman who – no matter how safe the butt plug or how secure it feels in my ass, the second you start to plough away I will immediately panic that my lubed-up arse might accidentally blast it at your stomach like a rocket launcher. My top concern with anal toys is not whether they’re going to get in, but whether they might just slip out. That was my key concern with the Hot Octopuss Plex, and why I tested it in ways that may seem silly to you, but which for me formed vital anxiety-calming prep before I (hopefully) get to use this during sex.


Guest blog: What does a prostate orgasm feel like?

Have you ever tried to describe what your orgasms feel like? Back in the ancient days of this blog, I ran a competition to solicit descriptions of orgasms, and it was fascinating and joyful to see how people described each one. This week’s guest blogger is describing a type of orgasm I can’t ever experience, and so inevitably I was thirsty for detail and absolutely delighted when his post hit my inbox. Please welcome today’s fabulous guest, who’s here to tell you what a prostate orgasm feels like…


Guest blog: My first pegging session

As regular readers will know, I am a complete sucker for stories of first times. The thrill of doing something you’ve never done before is a beautiful thing to capture and share. The fabulous @EuphemiseThis has written before about getting invited to her first threesome, as well as the first forbidden fuck she had with a friend. Go check out all her fabulous guest posts here, but not before you read today’s incredibly hot story – about her first pegging session.


I don’t know this man, but here’s what he can do to me

There’s a guy who pops up occasionally in celebrity gossip articles, or tweets, or various pop culture ephemera in which I have only a passing interest. I have absolutely no idea who he is. However, I do know that he wears extremely tight trousers, has piercings and tattoos that have sunk hooks into my very soul, and lips that I would fight wars to have wrapped round my nipples. So. I don’t know this man from Adam, but here’s what he can do to me.
