Tag Archives: casual sex

Guest blog: I bring him women to fuck
Today’s absolutely incredible guest blog is by Kaetana, and having read it (and re-read it, and re-read it) I am struggling to come up with any way to introduce it better than how she pitched it to me to start with. Kaetana explained that she has a recurring transgressive fantasy about being one of someone’s many lovers. Someone whose purpose was to bring him women to fuck. “Seeking out people tailored specifically to one man’s tastes and predilections, wooing them, maybe trying them out a bit myself (I’m a queer woman) and warming them up before serving them, ribbon-wrapped and dripping, on a silver platter, to do with as he wishes.” The simplicity and intensity of the way she explained this immediately grabbed me, then when I read the piece in full it absolutely took my breath away. If you enjoy reverse gang bangs and sharing partners you will absolutely adore this…

Thunderstruck: Kissing in a thunderstorm
This gorgeous piece of thunderstorm erotica is written and read by Spencer Pritchard.
The downpour hit hard and fast. So hard, in fact, that just the sound of the heavens opening and the deluge smashing against the concrete slabs outside made us both jump! The day started off with a low, cold, harsh sun, the kind that forces you to squint as a bitter wind pinches at your face. The kind of weather that stops customers from heading to your pub, no matter if the heating was on full and the beer was good…

Does this come in my size? A tryst in the changing rooms…
This gorgeous erotic fiction about a tryst in the changing rooms is written and read by Euphemise This, and originally appeared on her website.
Michaela fucking hated clothes shopping, with a passionate hatred usually only reserved for Tories, but she resigned herself to the fact that she couldn’t put it off any longer. The event was in two days and it could potentially provide her with a massive career boost as long as she made a good impression with the right people. She was initially reluctant to admit it, but the entire contents of her wardrobe were completely unsuitable for this task.

Guest blog: My post-chemo hook-up promise
Today’s guest blog was dictated by Bev (who is in her 70s) to her son (in his 40s), and I’ve tried to only very lightly edit the story as she told it to him. As you all know, I am constantly thirsty for guest blogs from older people about the sex they have and want, because we don’t get to see nearly enough of their stories in popular culture. If you took the lead from films and TV, you could be tricked into thinking that there’s an expiry date on sexual pleasure. You and I know that is not the case, and that it’s important (not to mention horny) to read and share experiences from people who don’t often get sexual representation in mainstream TV and film. To this end, please give a really warm welcome to Bev, and join me in sending her tonnes of love and best wishes for a speedy recovery so she can enjoy her post-chemo hook-up…

The fuck that might have been
This gorgeous story about the fuck that might have been is written and read by Robyn of Robyn Eats Everything.
As their laughter petered out, they glanced at their phone; it was getting late, did I want to share a cab home? I licked the back of my teeth before I answered, yes, please. Their hand found the small of my back as they guided me out the door, into the night.
Outside, the air was close but there was a shiver as they moved closer to me. The cab was only a minute away, they said, as they brushed the hair back from where it had stuck to my forehead. There was brief eye contact, their confident smile, before fingers traced down my cheek.