Tag Archives: casual sex

Five dicks please: gang bang fantasy fulfilment
This hot bukkake/gang bang fantasy featuring five dicks is written and read by the fabulous Sherryl Blu.
Is it wrong to masturbate to thoughts of having five dicks on the go at one time? Does it make me abnormal to want to taste the sweetness of one in my mouth, feel one in each hand, have my pussy pounded by another all whilst being slowly penetrated in my ass by a fifth? And then, to finish up being covered in copious amounts of cum, courtesy of all five cocks?

Comets, cuck chairs and the Red Dwarf Holoship
Stoya calls them ‘comets’: those people who orbit your life at a distance, occasionally blazing into it for brief yet bright moments of sexy joy, before whooshing off back to their own. I don’t think it’s always easy to be a great comet – it requires a tricky balance of charm and composure. You need the ability to connect well in a short space of time combined with a casual detachment that allows you to say a cheery goodbye without worrying you’ll be forgotten the second you’re out of sight. I think it’s tough to be a good comet, but let me tell you about a brilliant one of mine.

My craving for big tits
This fabulous piece about fulfilling her craving for big tits is written and read by the brilliant Sherryl Blu.
I’d regularly daydream on how amazing it would be to be smothered with a set of juicy size 36DD boobs – that’s 36DD at the minimum! I’d often close my eyes and imagine what it would be like to play with myself whilst being force fed a fully erect nipple.

Who’s there? A first date hookup and a shadow
This fabulous first date hookup story is by Robyn of RobynEatsEverything, and is read here by Girl on the Net.
The pub was closing early. The two members of staff were busying themselves behind the bar and every glance in our direction was a plea for us to leave so they could go home. You told me you didn’t want the night to end here; there’d been laughter and anticipatory touches and plenty of eye-fucking across the table as I suggestively sipped my drink through a straw. As a first date, it was perfect. We reluctantly untangled our hands from each others’ across the table and said our goodbyes to the bar.

Greedy: I got a Godemiche Morpheus and deleted my dating profile
No one ever tells me to my face that I’m greedy, but I am. Right now I trip through life with only a vague idea of what I want, but a raging certainty that I definitely need more of it. More. More drinks, more nights out, more catch-ups with friends I’ve not seen since Covid. More joy, more lust, more playfulness. More sex. More of those evenings which start with a pint and end up with you all tumbling into someone’s flat so you can welcome the dawn together with burgeoning hangovers and the sparkle of brand new friendships. More threesomes that make me feel like it’s my birthday. And because this is a post about the Godemiche Morpheus, inevitably I’m greedy for far more wanking too.