Tag Archives: casual sex
Guest blog: Your hands. Me. Soaking wet
I am a total sucker for gorgeous hands. Not just the look of them or the feel of them grabbing me, I am mesmerised by watching people do things with their hands – precise, skilful things. Unngh. Today’s guest blog is by Fajolan, who has a breathtakingly gorgeous story about a date who used his hands to exceptional effect long before they ever got into bed…
Guest blog: Spanked by a couple in their hotel room
I really enjoy erotic fiction that’s just someone going ‘here’s a thing I want, imagine if I just went out and… got it?’ – that’s one of the things I love about today’s piece by @EuphemiseThis. Well, that and the mention of the sound of someone undoing a belt buckle: objectively the hottest noise in the entire world. You’ve met today’s guest blogger a few times before – discussing velvet fetishes, forbidden fucks and a tryst with a burlesque goddess. But today she’s here with some super-hot fiction about getting spanked by a couple…
For the glory: Glory hole audio porn
This gorgeous glory hole audio porn was written by Cal (@uncmfrtblynmb) and originally appeared on his Medium blog. It is read here by rmp792.
Moans filled the video booths, in time with the EDM pulsing behind. Nervously, he shut the stall door behind him and pulled the latch.
For the one night stands who were not mistakes
To the one night stands. To the fucks who didn’t love me, or ever need me to love them: a heartfelt thank you. You were not mistakes, but memories.
Guest blog: Sex on a cruise ship
Delighted to welcome back regular guest blogger @pervy_thoughts today, who blogs about sex at Pervy.Fun and is here to share with you a glorious story about sex on a cruise ship. Something about traveling implies freedom and the fulfilment of desires and whims, and I adore how beautifully his lover embraces both of these things. If you’ve been reading for a while, you’ll have met him before – in this fabulous post about the London Naked Bike Ride perhaps, or this one on sex after sixty. Today, I hope you enjoy this fabulous casual encounter – sex on a cruise ship.