Tag Archives: cock

I trust you: Three words to heal my heart
The next chapter of this story happens when I’m probably in the middle of a breakdown. Perhaps it’s the way my life has been lately – an agony of paranoia and mistrust – that’s causing me to make some dodgy decisions. But this particular decision led to something good, I think. As helpful as it can be to hear ‘I love you’ in times of hardship, ‘I trust you’ healed my heart right now.

Splash: the hot hotel sex that came after…
This gorgeous story about hot hotel sex with a stranger is written and read by Robyn of RobynEatsEverything.
Remember when I went to that sex club: the one where I sat nude in a hot tub, as bait; the one where I let a group of strangers use my body for their own pleasure; the one where I came hard, sitting on the edge, as a guy sucked on my clit? That actually wasn’t the end of the story…

Train guard: face-fucked for fare dodging
It took twelve journeys in the end. I only got fined on three of them, but still – three hundred quid is a pretty hefty blow. Worth it though, to find the guy. The one train guard who’d let me off a fare in exchange for a grope of my tits and a sloppy face-fuck.
This one’s erotic fiction, obviously. I wrote it while I was on a train, which is why that train line gets a mention, but I assure you the guard was incredibly polite and I slammed my laptop shut at light-speed when he came to check my (valid) ticket. Note that this story might contain elements of coercion, if it weren’t for the carefully-written thousand-word intro that I stuck on the front of it to make it a bit more consensual. Feel free to ignore it if you like the non-con/dub-con stuff, or revel in it if you like your stories more consensual and your heroines more gleefully slutty.

Guest blog: The Beast makes aggressive use of his slut
Occasionally readers complain when I do content notes, because they think that content notes are a way to turn people off a story – a ‘danger’ sign that tells you not to enter because here be dragons – or Beasts. This week’s incredible guest blog, by Kinky Goldfish, in which he indulges a fantasy shared with a lover about letting the primal, aggressive Beast within him drive a powerful kink scene, requires many content notes. And I promise with my whole heart that they will make today’s guest blog more popular, not less. Although content notes, on a blog like mine, sometimes function as ‘warnings’ so a few readers without those kinks can click on past, more commonly their effect is the same as a sales pitch. Like a big sign which says ‘don’t press the big red button’ tempts you to reach out and touch it. So yeah. Today’s guest blog includes vicious birching and hardcore kink. Public exposure and humiliation and aggressive anal sex. Keep out of the big scary castle. Do not read corrupting pornography. Whatever you do, don’t unleash The Beast.
This post contains public exposure, BDSM, birching, stinging nettles, degradation, humiliation, unlubed anal and piss. It is erotic fiction and you shouldn’t try any of this without having in-depth consent chats with your partner and anyone else involved in the scene (including those who will see it playing out).

The most efficient dating experience of my life
I set out to find a date within twelve hours, using only my phone. Could I summon a man to come hang out with me on the same day I set up my profile, then get him to bang me sideways in the twin room of a Travelodge? If so, this would make for the most efficient dating experience of my entire life to date. How successful was I? Come find out!