Tag Archives: cunnilingus

Dr Pryde’s Relaxation Centre
This erotic story, by sex blogger Ella Scandal, originally appeared on her website. It is read aloud here by Girl on the Net
I’m lying here, eyes open wide, legs open wider, straining to hear any sounds that might be coming from the room next door. I think I hear a muffled cry but I could be wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time my imagination ran away with me in here.

Someday I will – Oral erotica
This oral erotica, by author Tabitha Rayne, originally appeared on her website.
‘Lick my cunt,’ I say.

Massage you – Sensual erotica
This sensual erotica is by sex blogger and podcaster Sherryl Blu.
The candle was lit…
The wick crackled and the wax melted gently
Dripping slowly down its side in long intentional streaks

Oral equality: This handjob is worth more to me than head
I’m not a massive fan of getting head. I’ve said it before, and people are occasionally horrified: how can I call myself a feminist if I don’t insist on oral equality? I am a huge fan of giving head: I take egomaniacal pride in being able to suck cock so well that it has my other half whimpering and trembling on the edge of orgasm for the duration of an entire Portishead song. So where’s the reciprocal pleasure? What of the famed ‘orgasm gap’? Surely I, as a feminist, should insist on oral reciprocity? No.

Guest blog: The last time we fucked
This week’s guest blogger got in touch because he knew I had a thing for guest blogs about ‘first times‘ – first threesomes, first time going to a sex shop, first time pegging, etc. He asked if maybe I’d be interested in a last time story – about the fuck you have when you know something’s over, and you want to make one more good memory. Fuck yeah, I do. This week’s gorgeous guest blog is by Chris Avalon, about an intense, sexy and bittersweet last time fuck.