Tag Archives: dating

Tinder Toes: a foot fetish sex story

This foot fetish sex story, by sex blogger and podcaster Sherryl Blu, originally appeared on her website.

I’d sworn off Tinder,

Said I wouldn’t go back on after the last incident

Said it wasn’t worth my energy yet here I was, logged on and swiping away.


Meet and ride: a casual sex story

This post, by sex blogger and podcaster Sherryl Blu, originally appeared on her website.

We met in a club, it was a pretty standard night out

I was just happy to fling on my glad rags and shake off the stresses of the week.

I didn’t expect to meet you, but I wasn’t sad that I did…


Guest blog: Open relationships are more boring than you think

I’m really excited to introduce you to this week’s fantastic guest blogger. Molly Quell is a writer who is in an open relationship, and when telling people her relationship status she’s often confronted with some fairly inaccurate assumptions. She’s here to debunk some, and explain what her love life really looks like…


No, I’m sorry. You can’t break up with me.

A random selection of ridiculous reasons why boys aren’t allowed to break up with me. FYI.


Power, lust and agency: Is Fleabag’s priest abusive?

If you’ve been following developments, a couple of weeks ago I wrote about Fleabag’s priest and the art of longing. I wallowed a little in the horny joy of seeing two people who really want each other try desperately not to want each other. Today I’m screeching into a whole new lane, thanks to some discussion that’s come up on my Twitter feed: let’s talk about whether the priest is abusive.

The following post contains spoilers for Fleabag, so if you want to watch it check it out on BBC iPlayer before you read on. 
