Tag Archives: dick

Guest blog: I sucked my own cock – here’s how

Have you ever wanted to suck your own cock? As a connoisseur of cocksucking, I am inevitably fascinated (and delighted) by stories of people who have managed to suck their own. So when @OxyFromSg (who writes erotica over at this blog) popped up in my DMs to say ‘hey! I’ve sucked my own cock. Fancy a guest blog?’, you can imagine how eagerly I leapt at the opportunity to read/publish something that explains not only how to suck your own dick, but what it actually feels like to achieve it. Take it away Oxy…


Cock worship and cumsluttery

This gorgeous cock worship erotica – which includes themes of degradation – is written and read by Quenby, and originally appeared on their blog

Cock worship and cumsluttery

As soon as we step through the door our hands are on each other. Pulling off clothes, touching and feeling, our hands made clumsy with lust. He grabs my throat and pins me against the wall, I squeak in surprise, then blush as he chuckles at my reaction. Our mouths meet in a filthy kiss, all open mouths and tongues, hunger and arousal. I melt against his body, surrendering myself to his control.


He picked me up/His dick feels good

“He picked me up,” I tell her and she says “Ooh! He picked you up?!” and both of us grin because we know – we know – the pickup is a pretty sexy move. We also both know that, while I may be many things, ‘small’ is not one of them. I am not easily pick-uppable. Nevertheless, this guy picked me up and threw me onto the bed. Hot.


More and harder – gang bang erotica

Recently my Patreons and I started a fun game where they give me prompts (name, kink, location and object), and I use them to try and write something that ticks the boxes and (ideally) is nice and wankable. This month I am working busily on a super-secret project that only they know about, so I hope they won’t mind if I borrow a little story from behind the paywall and put it up here for you to enjoy. This is a piece of gang bang erotica which was written off the back of the following prompts…  Name: Laura, Kink: Gyno chair, Location: Swingers’ club dark room, Object: rope, tied to chair.

Note: contains piss and, obviously, a gang bang. 


Bring me tequila and your dick

Life is hard and haunted. The world is a mess, I am a mess. But I cannot just focus on the darkness and the panic: in order to keep driving forwards through the tricky stuff, I need to fill my tank with occasional joy. So I text a guy I vaguely know and I ask him to bring me tequila. And his dick.
