Tag Archives: dominance

Guest blog: Guiding a new Dom in how to fuck me

We’ve all got to start somewhere, right? And sometimes when we’re starting out, it’s helpful to have someone with a little (or a lot) more experience to guide us on the journey. Today’s blog is by the wonderful @jamiebear (who runs the Gay News Archive Project and has written amazing things in the past about the hotness of someone’s scent and being a proud submissive). And he’s here to tell a super hot story about fucking a new Dom who was tentatively stepping in to kink, and needed a helping hand on how to do that well…


The Queen of the Dungeon takes me for a belting

I don’t know how long it’s been since I was last properly belted. A year at least, maybe two. It’s not the end of the world. I love kink, and I adore being used and abused, but my desires are incredibly responsive, so I’m far less concerned about finding a relationship that ticks off all the spanky acts on my submissive wishlist than I am about building connection with someone I love. Still. One of the nice things about leaving a relationship is remembering all the opportunities that you once packed away with a shrug, which you can now dust off again. And as I rummage through a box marked ‘things I can do now I’m single’, getting belted just happens to lie on the top. Luckily for me, a mate made it her mission to drag me up off the floor from the pool of wine and tears in which I was lying, and force me outside to have fun. Let me tell you about my friend, the Queen of the Dungeon.


Paypig 1: He gets off on giving me money

There’s a man on the internet who gets off on giving me money. That’s a sentence I never tire of saying, and let me tell you I have said it to so many people! As I pick up the bill for various lunches and drinks, gleefully crowing as my friends and family make anxious faces and tell me I really shouldn’t. “Don’t worry,” I explain with a grin. “It’s not my money – this one’s on my Paypig.”


Guest blog: Erotic wrestling, and the joy of taking up space

I am positively gleeful about today’s guest blog, team – it’s a gloriously sexy celebration of power and strength and softness and grappling sexily until your opponent submits. Courtesy of the fabulous Bunny Harper, who is here to talk about erotic wrestling, and how a sport she had once been pushed out of became something she reclaimed with eroticism and power. I adore this piece, and I know many of you will too – check out Bunny’s blog here and read her amazing piece on erotic wrestling below!


Guest blog: Slutty Cinderella does a very thorough job

I’m not gonna lie, I absolutely lost my mind at one key moment in this piece. Nearly slid right off my office chair and onto a crumpled, horny heap on the floor. Please welcome back the fabulous Komplicated Kitty, who some of you might remember from her red-hot piece ‘bring it, babe‘ back in November. She’s here today with an account of another intensely sexy BDSM scene, in which her Master orders her into her collar, and then to go clean the kitchen floor. Read on for humiliation, degradation and one very slutty Cinderella…
