Tag Archives: dominance

I want you to destroy my cunt

For a very long time, I have had the phrase ‘destroy my cunt’ sitting in my ideas bank. It’s a phrase I used to utterly hate, but which I have softened on in recent years, because I am an eager pervert who will usually fetishise almost every phrase eventually (like ‘monster cock‘ which became the same thing). I know that for many people it’s quite an aggressive-sounding turn-off, so if you’re one of them you probably won’t enjoy this. If you’re like me, though, and you have either enjoyed saying ‘please destroy my cunt’ or ‘I’m gonna destroy your cunt’ then you might like this random stream-of-consciousness porn.


Three little butt plug stories

These three little butt plug stories, by Molly Moore, originally appeared on her website. They are read aloud here as audio by the author herself. All these butt plug stories detail consensual encounters, but the third one contains some elements of consensual non-consent. 


Guest blog: Mercy – humiliated and used

This week’s guest blogger – the fabulous Violet Grey (@v_greyauthor) has already written two incredible posts here: on how much sex millennials are having and what it means to be a submissive feminist. I love her political posts, but I also adore her sexy writing, and you’ll understand why when you read this gorgeous femdom story about a guy being humiliated and used. Take it away Violet…


You win some, you lose some: a competitive threesome

This competitive threesome story, by Molly Moore, originally appeared on her website. It is read aloud here as audio by the author herself. 

We are sitting at opposite ends of the sofa facing one another. Our legs are entwined, our calves touching, her feet brushing up against the outside of my thigh. She is slightly taller than me. We are both completely naked apart from the collars. I see her glance down to between my legs and when she looks up and sees that I am watching her looking at me she blushes furiously.


Cleaning up her mess: humiliation erotica

This fabulous humiliation erotica, by Floss Liddell, originally appeared on her website. It is read aloud here by Tabitha Rayne

‘It’s frivolous. You’re frivolous. Don’t you realise some us struggle to pay our bills each month.’

The conversation was always the same with Jane, I wouldn’t mind so much if she wasn’t nursing a rather expensive bottle of wine as we spoke, and if there was even truth in the nature of my frivolity.
