Tag Archives: electrosex

ElectraStim AXIS – I want to feel the music inside me
Not something I ever thought I’d experience, to be honest, but courtesy of the incredible ElectraStim AXIS… here’s a blog post about feeling music throbbing inside my ass.

ElectraStim Jack Socket: pleasure, pain and jizz on the carpet
The most important thing to remember about electrosex is that the smaller the surface area, the more intense the sensation. Where you draw the line between pleasure and pain depends on your own threshold. I like warm, broad sensations. The smack of an open palm. The heavy thwack of a thick leather belt. Electricity that tingles over my skin when he places a full hand on the back of my thigh. Other people like intense, pinpoint pain: the sting of the cane, leaving a lattice of thin red welts to show you took it well. With electrosex there’ll be no marks, but the rule applies: the smaller the surface area, the more intense the sensation. Today I want to tell you about the ElectraStim Jack Socket.

My vagina is electric – adventures with ElectraStim
“Oh Jesus fuck yeah that’s we… yeah that’s weird… and umm holy fuck. Oh God ah it actually…”
Long pause while he fucks me more, just to check his assessment is correct.
“It actually feels…”
More fucking…
“Like your cunt is…”
“…actively trying to pull my dick further in.”