Tag Archives: erotic fiction

A promise to keep: She helps me rediscover my orgasm
This gorgeous guided masturbation/fisting story in which our narrator gets help to rediscover her orgasm is written and read by Carolyna Luna, and originally appeared on her website.
I haven’t always had to pay for my orgasms. I’d given up caring about stigmas, however, when my years of anorgasmia were overcome under Naomi’s firm guidance. So when her text pinged that morning, I put my coat right back on and headed out.

Guest blog: Over the knee, hard. Intense punishment spanking
Today we get to welcome a brand new guest blogger to the site – Sundial! Naturally I love welcoming new guest bloggers, but this one’s special because in her initial email she said she’s thinking of starting her own sex blog but isn’t sure, because it’s hard to rate your own writing. So if you like this, please do leave lovely comments. [UPDATE! She did start her own blog and it’s incredible – check out GoingDownWithSundial.com] I imagine you can guess my opinion when you read it, but for what it’s worth here goes: this is one of the most delicious, intense punishment spanking scenes I’ve read in a really long time. The way she luxuriates in the atmosphere and the physical details, really hammering home the power of each crack as well as the strength of the guy who delivers them. It’s extremely hot. I had to go for a lie down. Please give an stingingly warm welcome to Sundial, and dive into this brutal, beautifully-conjured punishment scene…

Fucking a stranger: Tell me what you need
This incredible story about fucking a stranger is written by Robyn, and originally appeared on their website – Robyn Eats Everything.
The most intriguing guy had just walked into the hotel bar. I wish I’d seen him enter and watched his strong stride from the far end of the room, but my attention was on the bright laptop screen, freckled with coffee from an accident the week before. I’d rewritten the same sentence seven times even before my peripheral vision picked up his bright white shirt against the wood paneling. This weekend away was meant to break my writer’s block; all it’d done was break my bank balance in this bar.

Kiss chase in a forest: predator and prey
I spotted that this week’s Kink of the Week topic was ‘hunting/chasing prey’ and realised with utter delight that I had a half-finished draft which I could polish off for it. So here goes: a fuck in which I get to revel in the idea of being ravished by a predator. Note that this story contains a tiny bit of implied non-consent (but it is consensual) and also some barely-lubed anal (which I’d recommend against in real life, even though it’s hot in fantasies because in fantasies you can pretend that spit would totally work).

Two weeks: a kinky office story
This gorgeous kinky office story is written and read by Carolyna Luna, and originally appeared on her website.
I wonder if my employees are curious about the frequency of my shuffling body today. Or of the constant hiss of the pneumonics in my office chair releasing and engaging again as I stand and then sit back down aggressively. No one has commented on the cacophony of its wheels scraping against the floor. They’re used to my furious typing, as I often spend my day that way, but that’s never stopped them from dropping by for the usual interruptions and banter. It’s odd enough for a Friday afternoon when no one’s ever in the mood to work. Even odder because I’m not furiously typing today. As the hours of silence have spilled into late afternoon, I really wonder if they somehow possibly know that my body is trying to betray me…