Tag Archives: erotic fiction

She wants to watch her husband fuck me

This gorgeous story about a wife watching her husband fuck is written and read by Molly Moore


The scent of period blood makes me horny

There, I said it. And I apologise in advance, because usually I like to lean in to Halloween a little at this time of year – write a story in which I try to scare you. Something about zombies or werewolves or vampires or sirens luring unsuspecting humans into bringing them fresh prey. But this year, my plans for a story about sex-hungry ghosts or demonic possession went awry. Something malevolent took up residence in my brain, its claws embedded firmly in the part that deals with writing, refused to let me conjure one of those stories. So instead you get this: a pretty standard blog post about why the scent of period blood makes me really horny.

CN: this post contains blood, violence and some elements of non-consent. No men were harmed in the writing of it.


The sacrifice – sensual tentacle erotica

This sublime tentacle erotica is by Ollie Fox (The Queer Earthling), read here by Girl on the Net. Note that it contains a tentacle monster, bondage and gags. Note, too, that this story is told in second person, so it puts you in the picture, and while the ‘you’ in the story has no gender, they do have a vulva, and refer to their clit. 


Who knows him better? His friends help me fuck him

This gorgeous piece in which someone’s friends help fuck a guy is written by Quinn Rhodes of OnQueerStreet.com – check out his website at that link. Content note for some consensual non-consent and CBT – cock-and-ball torture, not cognitive behavioural therapy.


I don’t know this man, but here’s what he can do to me

There’s a guy who pops up occasionally in celebrity gossip articles, or tweets, or various pop culture ephemera in which I have only a passing interest. I have absolutely no idea who he is. However, I do know that he wears extremely tight trousers, has piercings and tattoos that have sunk hooks into my very soul, and lips that I would fight wars to have wrapped round my nipples. So. I don’t know this man from Adam, but here’s what he can do to me.
