Tag Archives: erotic fiction

DITMY – Brutal fucking and kinky diy
This post came from some improv erotica suggestions over on Patreon. Sometimes we play a game where Patreons give me a name, kink, location and object, and I try to work them into a sexy story – like this gang bang erotica or this one about being pegged by a stranger. I enjoyed writing the following story, because it combines my two favourite activities – kinky DIY and getting brutally fucked. The prompts I had to work into the tale were Josh/bondage/Homebase/drill.

Re-nationalise the railways (pegged by a stranger)
Today’s post is a little out of the ordinary – it’s a piece of erotic fiction, also recorded as audio porn, about a guy getting pegged by a stranger in a train station toilet. It’s not the sort of thing my brain would usually spit out, but thanks to my fabulous Patreons, who gave me suggestions for new erotica on a recent Zoom call, I have a crop of new ideas to play around with. When we do live calls, we come up with ‘improv erotica’ – Patreons give me a character name, kink, location and object and I try to weave those into a sexy story. Not gonna lie: I fucking loved writing this one.

Sun n sand – oral fantasies on the beach
This fabulous story about oral fantasies on the beach was written by Cal (@uncmfrtblynmb) and originally appeared on his Medium blog. It is read here by Girl on the Net.
Between the deserted dunes I lay, looking out into the sunset. My skin had taken on new bronze tones after a whole day out at the beach. The bright golden light danced on the shimmering water, so I closed my eyes for some respite.

Heels – You wanna swallow some cum now?
This gorgeous story is written by Nooky and originally appeared on her website. It is read here by Girl on the Net.
You’re supposed to meet at the elevators at 6.30 — drinks and supper and then, after, the train back to his place, your first time sleeping there. You’ve fucked at yours, a couple times, once in a hotel. A blowjob in the park, behind a fenced-off carousal. The pre-date quickie on his couch last week when you’d picked him up. But this is the first time really going to his.

Weaponised want – public play in the fet club
This delightful BDSM story about public play in a fet club is written and read by Quenby, and the original version first appeared on their website.
As we walk into the club I feel a dozen eyes follow us as across the room. It must be said, we make quite a striking pair. My bulky frame is wrapped in a lacy black thong and matching chemise, thick black eyeliner and lipstick decorate my face. And a simple collar marks me as my boyfriends fuck toy for the evening.