Tag Archives: erotica

Halfway up: Fucking in a tube station
This delicious erotic story about fucking in a tube station is written by Nooky, and originally appeared on her website. It is read here by Girl on the Net.
It’s the last tube home, or almost. They’ve drunk enough beer that they haven’t kept track, not quite. Their stop is far enough out, a backwater on a bit of the Central that feels almost bucolic, that no one else gets off except a little old lady in a mauve peacoat who walks slowly off towards the lift.

Unwrap me: Christmas erotica
There are two types of people in this world: those who unwrap their gifts with care and precision, trying not to shred the paper as they go, and those who tear into it with eager, gleeful joy, destroying the wrapping in their haste to get to the gift. If you’re the second type of person, this Christmas erotica is for you.

Anticipation – BDSM/cuckqueaning erotica
This BDSM/cuckqueaning erotica was written by Cal (@uncmfrtblynmb) and originally appeared on his Medium blog. It is read here by Girl on the Net.
Allison tasted the raw leather of the whip held between her dry lips. She felt the perspiration breaking out at her hairline, it was warm in her seat in the corner, with the dappled late afternoon sun shining on her naked back, but more from the stress position she was in. The wraparound chair was comfortable in its own right, but with her back hunched over and wrists cuffed to her ankles, which were in turn bound to the front legs of the chair, she was struggling.

More and harder – gang bang erotica
Recently my Patreons and I started a fun game where they give me prompts (name, kink, location and object), and I use them to try and write something that ticks the boxes and (ideally) is nice and wankable. This month I am working busily on a super-secret project that only they know about, so I hope they won’t mind if I borrow a little story from behind the paywall and put it up here for you to enjoy. This is a piece of gang bang erotica which was written off the back of the following prompts… Name: Laura, Kink: Gyno chair, Location: Swingers’ club dark room, Object: rope, tied to chair.
Note: contains piss and, obviously, a gang bang.

Threesome erotica: Cords
This delicious threesome erotica is written by Nooky, and originally appeared on her website. It is read here by Girl on the Net.
It’s dusk. Summer, so the windows are open. It smells like lilacs and dirt still damp from the rain that morning, and the bedroom is filling with shadows, contours of muted blues. The sun flashes blinking from behind the trees and blinds you for a minute. You like it, like this, dusk with the lights turned off — it’s sensual, somehow, the slowing breathing of the earth and the heavy scent of the lilacs, and across the room your lover is tying his wife to the bed.