Tag Archives: first times

My first kisses: one, two, three
The first time I kissed a boy was in Geography class at school. We’d been swimming together with friends the weekend before, and he and I had flirted in the way that 13-year-olds do: by splashing each other and then rapidly swimming away, whispering to friends that we fancied each other and hoping those friends would understand their role as ‘messenger.’ I assume this is how most first kisses happen: friends are pivotal in their creation.

Always be prepared: hooking up with a hottie
This beautiful true story about hooking up with a hottie is written by Victoria Blisse, and originally appeared on her website. It is read here by Girl on the Net.
When packing for my weekend away, I joked with my hubby about being prepared as I packed a dozen condoms and a full bottle of lube. I didn’t expect sexy times but with ten humans in one house for a celebration, well, the Queen of Smut wanted to be sure any sexy fun times would be catered for.

Guest blog: My first time in a strip club
Regular readers will know that I’m a sucker for first times: I literally have a blog tag dedicated to all the fabulous stories of people discovering a new sexual thing. It’s thrilling. And this week’s guest blogger – Archibald Q Kaboom in comments – after my recent piece on taking my toyboy to a strip club, was inspired to share a first of his own: his first time in a strip club. He writes with such beautiful clarity and awestruck lust about it that I hope it might prompt some of you to take the plunge on a ‘first’ you’ve been hankering after.

The man who will not text me back
“There is absolutely no way he’ll text me back,” I tell my friends, the day after an extremely hot date. I can’t really explain why I’m so convinced of this, but I am. In fact, so certain am I that he’ll wake up tomorrow and realise he’s made a mistake that I ask him – while we’re on the date – if I can take a picture to show people how hot the man I shagged was. In case, you know, I never see him again. This is very impolite of me, but he’s game so we take pictures. When I show one of my friends a shot of him – kissing me on the cheek, while I grin inanely to camera – my mate laughs and tell me: “you look like you’ve won a contest.”

Guest blog: We tried jump-humping and it was surprisingly hot
After my extremely quim-laced blog the other week about the (supposedly) Mormon practice of soaking, the fabulous blogger Girl in Old School Trouble got in touch with me to offer say she fancied having a go at soaking and an extension of it – ‘jump-humping’, in which one person jumps on the bed that the other two are lying motionless on to give them a bit of friction to enjoy – and write about her experience. I have been so so excited about this guest blog ever since, and it’s massively exceeded even my own horny expectations. Thanks to a couple she has extremely hot sex with, Girl in Old School Trouble found herself in a position to suggest a round of soaking/jump-humping the last time they were together. The results are hotter than even I – a massive pervert – could have hoped for. Thank you to all three of them for indulging in this sexy experiment, and especially to Girl in Old School Trouble for writing about it so spectacularly.