Tag Archives: first times

Promising: how do you turn a first date into a second?

We’ve been on a total of two dates, and had exactly the same number of fucks, so I don’t really know this guy at all. I know him exactly as well as I know anyone who’s willing to share a bottle of wine and a swift fuck with me, but still: he’s promising. What is it that makes someone promising? How do you turn a first date into a second, and then a third?

Note: there’s a time delay on a lot of blog posts at the moment, so although we’re in lockdown now, this date happened when it was legal. I am naughty but not that kind of naughty.


Guest blog: Change my mind – an erotic hypnosis story

I am super-excited to welcome Jenby (@JenetalTorture) back – author of September’s incredible guest blog about impact play, and getting spanked with one’s own book. Today’s topic? Erotic hypnosis: the act of putting someone under and controlling their mind for kinky play purposes. I have to admit my ignorance on this topic – although I’ve read about erotic hypnosis before, my knowledge on hypnosis in general is limited to one hilarious live show where I got to watch my sister doing weird shit while ‘under’, and one absurdly expensive and entirely unsuccessful session where I paid someone to hypnotise me in the hope it would make me quit smoking. Spoiler: it did not. So I’m delighted to have Jenby back to give a peek into what it’s like to get hypnotised for the first time…


Guest blog: My first encounter with an uncircumcised penis

As you probably already know, I love sex stories that chronicle first times and journeys of discovery. Especially when those discoveries are good ones. Today’s guest blog is a gorgeous short story by Jennifer Greenberg (@jm_greenberg) about encountering an uncircumcised penis for the first time. I remember having the same nervousness and surprise when I experienced the opposite, so it’s nice to have a story from someone who experienced this pleasant surprise the other way round…


Guest blog: The first time I pegged a guy

As regular readers know, I am a sucker for ‘first time‘ stories. I love hearing about the joy of discovery – when you try something sexy for the very first time and realise it floats your boat. And this week’s guest blogger has an amazing story about the first time she pegged someone. From initial meeting to butt plug play and strapping it on, she had me hooked all the way through…


Guest blog: My first time in a sex shop

I’m excited to welcome today’s guest blogger – the fabulous Quinn Rhodes from On Queer Street (who you can support on Patreon here!). Ze’s a fantastic sex blogger, who has written a beautiful guest blog for me here before on discovering hir sexuality. Today ze’s back with a new discovery or three. Do you remember your first time in a sex shop? Quinn’s here to tell you about hirs, and how visiting a Glasgow sex shop led hir to discover hir love for a few new things…
