Tag Archives: fun sex

Guest blog: Impulsive sex and the single woman

The joy of fantasy and erotica is that you can live out scenarios which you may not be able to do in real life – or might hope for in the future, but which haven’t happened to fall into your lap yet in quite the right way. Today’s guest blogger, Sameerah from Erotics and Whatnot, is here to tell you a story about impulsive sex and the single woman. When she meets a guy on the bus, she’s offered a flash of opportunity. And this time, she might just reach out to take it…


Sex writing and consent: do people approve their blogs?

It’s important to me that you know this: I don’t publish sexy blog stories about people without their permission. That hasn’t always been the case – when I first started blogging I wrote about people who were so far in my past that I couldn’t have popped back up in their lives to get their OK, so I just fudged a lot of details and shot for anonymity. These days, everyone I’ve slept with recently knows that I’m girl on the net, which handily bypasses some of the more awkward conversations I might have to have with a stranger, and also means there’s no excuse to not ask before I turn our fuckstories into #content. So: sex writing and consent. Do people approve their blog posts? And if so, how does that work?


Black Friday sex toy deals/Christmas gift ideas

It’s that time of year again, and honestly while I wanna adopt a world-weary tone of ‘oh God yet more sex toy sales’, it’d be churlish of me to do that because this genuinely is one of the best times of year to pick up some bargains. This page is going live with the currently available sex toy deals and I’ll update it each time another site sponsor opens up their Black Friday sex toy deals, so keep an eye on the page.


Why you should let me borrow your boyfriend

Firstly, welcome! Thank you so much for coming. Please help yourself to coffee and cake – I made three different kinds of cake because I’d like to make sure there’s something you enjoy. I admire and respect and very desperately want to impress you. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your time today, and I’ll try not to waste a single second of it, so let’s get stuck in. I’ve prepared a brief presentation on why you should let me borrow your boyfriend.


Guest blog: We tried jump-humping and it was surprisingly hot

After my extremely quim-laced blog the other week about the (supposedly) Mormon practice of soaking, the fabulous blogger Girl in Old School Trouble got in touch with me to offer say she fancied having a go at soaking and an extension of it – ‘jump-humping’, in which one person jumps on the bed that the other two are lying motionless on to give them a bit of friction to enjoy – and write about her experience. I have been so so excited about this guest blog ever since, and it’s massively exceeded even my own horny expectations. Thanks to a couple she has extremely hot sex with, Girl in Old School Trouble found herself in a position to suggest a round of soaking/jump-humping the last time they were together. The results are hotter than even I – a massive pervert – could have hoped for. Thank you to all three of them for indulging in this sexy experiment, and especially to Girl in Old School Trouble for writing about it so spectacularly.
