Tag Archives: fun sex

More and harder – gang bang erotica
Recently my Patreons and I started a fun game where they give me prompts (name, kink, location and object), and I use them to try and write something that ticks the boxes and (ideally) is nice and wankable. This month I am working busily on a super-secret project that only they know about, so I hope they won’t mind if I borrow a little story from behind the paywall and put it up here for you to enjoy. This is a piece of gang bang erotica which was written off the back of the following prompts… Name: Laura, Kink: Gyno chair, Location: Swingers’ club dark room, Object: rope, tied to chair.
Note: contains piss and, obviously, a gang bang.

Guest blog: Fucking a good girl after abstinence
This week’s anonymous guest blogger has visited before, to tell an astonishingly hot story about watching his girlfriend cheat on him (seriously, check it out, it’s amazing). Today he’s back with a story about a delicious encounter that happened during a time when he’d given up on any sexual encounters at all. Those who read this blog a lot will understand why I’m so into it (cough ‘good girl‘ cough), and why I’m so delighted that he’s chosen to share his tale of fucking a good girl after a long period of abstinence…

Guest blog: The power of music and memories
Music and memories: some songs have such a powerful connection to certain memories that I cannot hear them without getting horny. Or sad. Or excited about someone I haven’t seen for years. I’ve talked before about what music can do – from putting you off shagging if a terrible track comes off on a sex playlist to making me want to use your cock just cos I did so the last time this song came on. Today, I’m delighted to welcome back an incredible guest blogger – @OxyFromSg who writes erotica with Phedre Sinclair at this blog right here. Here in my little corner of the internet, Oxy has already delighted us with tales of DIY gloryholes and weird wanks – to share some hot memories, and the music that helps bring them out.

Guest blog: Phone sex – how to connect at a distance
I’m going to keep the intro short and sweet this week – you’ve already met rmp792 in previous guest blogs, and heard his lovely voice reading sexy audio about such kinks as women in armour and begging. Today he’s here to give you some tips on (and a hot example of) using phone sex to connect over a distance. Your voice is one of the sexiest things about you. I’ll let him explain how you can use it to get your partner horny, even if you’re oceans apart…

For the one night stands who were not mistakes
To the one night stands. To the fucks who didn’t love me, or ever need me to love them: a heartfelt thank you. You were not mistakes, but memories.