Tag Archives: fun sex

Sex machine adventures: Spitroast with a fucking machine
There’s always a worry, when you tick something off your sexual bucket list, that this awesome kink you have lusted after for ages won’t quite live up to your expectations. As the time to fuck approaches, your eager desire for filth is tempered by a voice in the back of your head that says ‘will this be as good as I hope?’ ‘Can a spitroast with a fucking machine really be as filthy as the scene I’m playing in my head?’ ‘Can DVP with a sex machine really live up to my horny dreams? The answer to both questions is ‘fuck yes’. The longer answer is below in the form of a hyper-explicit story about the first time we used our new sex machine, and there’ll be a part two story coming hot on its heels…

Guest blog: I watched my girlfriend cheat, it was exhilarating
How do you define ‘cheating‘? As a general rule, I wouldn’t use the word ‘cheat’ for the consensual, deliciously hot scene our guest blogger describes today. But as you’ll see when you read his story, I liked his title – ‘I watched my girlfriend cheat’ – because it says a lot more about the way this intensely filthy story is framed in his head, and what it means to him beyond just being exhilarating. Please welcome Eric…

Exactly what you need – f2m audio erotica
This gorgeous F2M audio erotica is written and read by Sherryl Blu.
You’ve been asking for it for a long time
Hints, direct and non-direct
So now we are in this room, I’m going to show you exactly what it is you need…

Guest blog: My tryst with a burlesque goddess
This week’s guest blogger is the fabulous @EuphemiseThis, who has already graced these pages once before with a story of forbidden fucks and lustful yearning. Today she’s here with another glorious tale of sexy longing, this time for a burlesque goddess who bore a striking resemblance to her ex…

Sweet like pineapple nectar – Sweet sex story
This sweet sex story, by sex blogger and podcaster Sherryl Blu, originally appeared on her website.
Damp like a warm flannel
that’s how he made me feel.