Tag Archives: fun sex

3 things to do with lube that are not anal

I used to be ambivalent about lube. OK, more than that: I used to be actively wary of it. As if using this substance represented a giant failure on my part to get my cunt wet. I used to feel as if lube was for anal, and only anal. But one of the things I’ve enjoyed most about my forays into the sex industry is just how ubiquitous lube is, and how many different uses there are for it. So let me pass on some of my learnings to you: unusual things to do with lube.


Guest blog: Fuck me to tears

Today’s guest blogger is the fantastic freelance journalist and host of the Second Circle Podcast, Franki Cookney (@frankicookney on Twitter). I’m a huge fan of her work, because she is as much a fan of overthinking about sex as I am. Today she’s here to talk about crying after sex – what is it, during intense sex and orgasm, that sometimes causes the tears to start flowing? We associate tears with sadness, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t often hot…


Guest blog: The first time we tried sex supplements

I confess I’ve never tried sex supplements, but this week’s guest blogger has. LM has dropped by to share a hot story about what happened when she and her partner both embarked on a sexy experiment. As she put it herself in her original pitch email: “You know when you’re sceptical about something but you try it anyway and then the results are *far* better than expected?!” How could I possibly resist a guest blog with an opener like that?! As this is about pills, I need to include a disclaimer that it does not constitute recommendation/medical advice. Instead please enjoy it for what it is: a hot tale about two people who decided to indulge their curiosity…


What does ‘fuck buddy’ really mean?

In romantic contexts, I’ve often heard people say thank you to their lovers for teaching them what ‘love’ really means. Today, I want to thank the man who taught me the true meaning of ‘fuck buddy.’


Guest blog: How much sex are millennials having?

This week’s guest blogger is the fabulous Violet Grey! She tweets at @v_greyauthor, blogs about sex, and is a millennial. In light of the recent … news? speculation? kerfuffle? … about millennials and sex, she wanted to share some thoughts on why millennials may be reporting less frequent sex than previous generations, and why ultimately the amount of sex you have or don’t have is no one else’s business but your own…
