Tag Archives: fun sex

Fucking in the heatwave, and trying to ‘be more domme’

The other day I tiptoed into the bedroom while he was napping in the afternoon. He was naked. Beads of sweat stood out on his forehead in the baking June heatwave. His chest hair stuck to his skin and he had a slight frown on his face, as if – in his sleep – he was trying to solve a difficult problem. His cock stood out hard and proud away from his body, almost straight up in the air, inviting me to slide down onto it and fuck him in the sticky haze of summer.


Mutual masturbation magic: mirror wanking

The phrase ‘mutual masturbation’ isn’t one of my favourites, to be honest. Something about the ‘mutual’ sounds too formal for me: it conjures images of ‘mutual societies’, and makes me feel as if I’m wanking alongside an ethical building society or the Co-op. But mutual masturbation is ridiculously fun, and I recently stumbled across a new way to do it that turned out to be hot as fuck, so I’m going to share it with you because I’m a very generous lover.


Eye contact challenge: can you keep your eyes open for an entire fuck?

Join me on a journey of self-discovery and intensely powerful shagging as I take part in a challenge that scared the shit out of me: making eye contact for the entire duration of a fuck.


What does it mean to be lazy in bed?

I often joke that I’m ‘lazy in bed’, but I’ve never really considered what I mean by that. Someone asked me recently to explain it, so I thought I’d have a go. And like many of the assumptions we make about sex, sometimes examining the belief reveals a truth that’s far more interesting.


Guest blog: Private party

This week’s guest blog is a gorgeous erotic story by Kim Taylor of Mommy’s Playground – check out the site (where you’ll find plenty more erotica to read) and follow Kim on Instagram here! Sick of the hustle and bustle of a loud, drunken party, the narrator tries to find a quiet spot to go and chill out in… and comes across a gorgeous stranger who’s looking for a little fun. I really enjoyed this – and not just because I’m the kind of person who’d look for any excuse to leave the loud bits of the party and head off to a bedroom for some shagging…
