Tag Archives: group sex

Guest blog: The best way to serve birthday cake (nyotaimori!)
This week’s guest blogger pitched me their piece as ‘first time sploshing’ and it is definitely that: delicious birthday cake served in a truly sexy way. There’s another word for what happens in this piece too, though, which I wanted to introduce you to in case you, like me, enjoy learning incredibly specific terms for super-hot kinky acts: nyotaimori. It’s a Japanese word meaning ‘to serve food off a person’ and it was featured on Kink of the Week last year. I love the concept of it, and adore it even more if the food being served is cake. This week’s guest blogger combines first time sploshing, nyotaimori and group sex in this creatively sexy post about getting your birthday fantasy fulfilled…

Five dicks please: gang bang fantasy fulfilment
This hot bukkake/gang bang fantasy featuring five dicks is written and read by the fabulous Sherryl Blu.
Is it wrong to masturbate to thoughts of having five dicks on the go at one time? Does it make me abnormal to want to taste the sweetness of one in my mouth, feel one in each hand, have my pussy pounded by another all whilst being slowly penetrated in my ass by a fifth? And then, to finish up being covered in copious amounts of cum, courtesy of all five cocks?

Backstage girl: used after the gig
This delicious fantasy about being the ‘backstage girl’ is written and read by the fabulous Barefoot Sub, and originally appeared on her website.
There I was, outside the door that would take me to him. I had dreamt about this moment since he first came into my life, since the first time I was allowed to see him, albeit a photograph. Though the fantasy that I knew would never be brought to reality had been deep-rooted since my teens, being invited to one of his gigs was almost as good. I could stand in the crowd, listen to him play, watch his fingers dance over the frets knowing exactly what those fingers could do. I would mirror those fingers as I followed my instructions, to edge myself during the course of his set. I wasn’t allowed to orgasm, but he wanted to be able to find my eyes and see my heat through the crowd.

By myself, but not for long: my first sex party
This incredible story about going to their first sex party is written and read by Robyn of Robyn Eats Everything. It originally appeared on their website.
“Are you here all by yourself? Well, you soon won’t be.” My first erotic story, written when I was 19 or 20, was about a woman who goes to a sex party for the first time, by herself, to live her greatest fantasies. And here I am, going to a sex party for the first time, by myself, to live my own…

Guest blog: Voyeurs in the Bond villain mansion
This week’s guest blogger tells me – tantalisingly – that this story ‘may or may not be inspired by true events.’ I only pass this on to you so that you, like me, can tingle with a thrill of delicious envy when you read about the adventures of two people setting foot in a Bond villain mansion… and being invited to embrace their inner voyeurs as the guests took advantage of the many many bedrooms…