Tag Archives: halloween

The sacrifice – sensual tentacle erotica
This sublime tentacle erotica is by Ollie Fox (The Queer Earthling), read here by Girl on the Net. Note that it contains a tentacle monster, bondage and gags. Note, too, that this story is told in second person, so it puts you in the picture, and while the ‘you’ in the story has no gender, they do have a vulva, and refer to their clit.

The Relentless Moon – werewolf erotica
Every year for Halloween I try to take an evil/scary creature and sexify it by writing some erotica. In past years we’ve done a succubus, a siren, a vampire and (my favourite from a filth perspective) a zombie. This year, @OnQueerStreet suggested I take on a werewolf, and I liked the idea of writing something romantic and loving that had hidden teeth. So here goes: The Relentless Moon. Werewolf erotica, for Halloween 2020.
This story is also available as audio porn – click ‘listen now’ above, check out the halloween tag for more spooky/filthy stories, or visit the audio porn page to get all the audio smut.

The call of the beast – Fear erotica
This spine-tingling fear erotica, by Victoria Blisse, first appeared on her website. It is read here by Girl on the Net.
I stand on the threshold, heart beating fast, eyes opened wide. Behind me: safety, warmth, mundanity. Ahead: dangers untold. Imagined in minute detail.

G is for ghost ship – Ghostly pirate erotica
This supernatural pirate erotica, by sex blogger Ella Scandal, originally appeared on her website. It is read aloud here by Girl on the Net
I awaken to the sounds of creaking and dripping and the groaning of tired wood. It’s so dark tonight I can barely see past the end of my nose. Not that it matters. I know exactly where I am. I don’t need to see the ocean beneath me to feel the waves. Along with the sun and the breeze, they’re my only constant.

Haunting you: A love story after death
This post, by sex blogger Molly Moore, originally appeared on her site.
I am going to haunt you when I am gone. You will never be free of me, I can promise you that. I will find a way back here, to this town, to this house, to this room, to you. I will sit with you here, day in and day out and watch you mourn me. I will haunt you when I am gone.