Tag Archives: illustrated

What does an orgasm look like? All the orgasm pictures
You’re all AMAZING. I asked people – “what does an orgasm look like?”
The answers were a gorgeous collection of fun, beautiful, and awesomely evocative.
All the entries are below, for your delight and admiration, and because it’s a competition there’s a prize up for grabs: a £100 voucher to spend at sextoys.co.uk, a copy of Bish’s excellent sex ed book, and a print of the original orgasm picture which inspired this competition. First we need to narrow down the entries, so if you’d like to vote for your favourites please click this link to rate the orgasm pictures. Voting will close on the 21st November and the top five pics, as rated by you, will go through to the final, and the judges will pick an overall winner to be announced on November 24th.
Here are all the entries, in roughly reverse order of submission, and if you have five minutes please do rate them using this special widget. Bear in mind that some of these images are NSFW.

Working from home tips – the wanking routine
For those of you sitting in a comfortable office, wondering what your colleagues who work from home are getting up to, I can tell you that more often than not your suspicions are correct. We’re wanking.
Not all the time: we work as well. But consider all the time you spend distracting yourself from work by doing other things: making a cup of tea, eating biscuits, gossiping with colleagues about why you found a copy of so-and-so’s CV in the printer. We have some of these options (biscuits) but not others (gossip), so technically we have a fair amount of break time that can be dedicated to furious masturbation.

Guest blog: extreme orgasm denial, with latex and sobbing
I’m clearly on a dominant roll with guest bloggers at the moment. No sooner has @EuclideanPoint sent me a gorgeous blog on female domination and orgasm denial, then another pops into my inbox, from a gentleman’s point of view. This particular gentleman wants to remain anonymous, but regardless of his name, some of the mental images he’s put in my head with this story will stay with me for a very long time.

Draw your orgasm: the entries so far
Want to know what an orgasm looks like? These are the entries in the ‘draw your orgasm’ comp so far, and I am beyond delighted with them. The rules state that you can enter anything visual – so photos, drawings, and anything else that you think might demonstrate what an orgasm feels like to you – one person even carved their orgasm into their Halloween pumpkin, a level of commitment and ingenuity that has bowled me over.

In defence of monogamy
Here is a can of worms. Please sit down, make yourself comfortable, and watch as I try to sort them into delicate piles without squishing any of them.
I’m in a monogamous relationship. For me, that means that my partner and I both lust desperately after other people, but we try not to do anything about it, save sighing and making the odd comment about how beautiful those other people are.
When I tell people this, often they’re surprised, and some of them make efforts to persuade me that I really should consider opening up my relationship. That it’d be healthier if my guy and I could see other people, or that polyamory is actually the best course of action for everybody in the human race. I like the sound of it: I do. I like the idea that there’s a hell of a lot of love in the world, and you get to share lots of different kinds of love with lots of different people.
Thing is, I’ve tried it, and it sucks for me. It really sucks. I get jealous, angry, upset, and anxious. I feel worthless. My rational brain tells me that he can fuck other people without it having any bearing on how he feels about me, and that if he goes for a drink with a girl he fancies with a view to potentially snogging her at the end of the evening, that act itself isn’t sapping any of the fun or love that he and I share together.
Unfortunately, my irrational brain is a tedious Iago – piping up and screeching “I like not that!”, and ruining everyone’s fun.