Tag Archives: incels

Sexy link roundup: courage, incels and dystopian erotica
It’s been a while since I did a round-up of sexy links, so apologies for being lax on it. But I am now raring to go and because I’ve missed a couple of weeks I’m going to pick three of my favourite sex blog posts from the last few weeks. I also have not one but TWO bonus updates right at the end of the post…

Incels and entitlement: something’s wrong with our men
Something is seriously wrong with our men. Our young, white men in particular. It’s easy to see the links when it’s all laid out in front of you: the vast majority of mass killers are men, violence against women is common of many mass killers many – or most – of whom openly hate women. Recently ‘Incels’ (a label that means ‘involuntary celibate’) have been in the news, thanks to one incel who decided he was so angry he needed to take it out on society by killing people. And while we’re now having a welcome discussion about how dangerous misogyny can be, I can’t help but think we’re not fully addressing the problem.