Tag Archives: kissing

Fucked her face in the street
This gorgeous story about facefucking and struggling to say goodbye is written and read by JM Seaborn of Written In Kink. Note that the story contains ‘Daddy’ as an honorific, all participants are consenting adults.
We walk the streets, just to talk. To say goodbye. Nothing else. We’re in public so we won’t do anything. It’s daytime so we won’t do anything. This will keep us honest. This will control us. The risk of getting caught is too much so we won’t do anyth- Fuck.

Champagne and Lust 1: exhibitionism at the hotel
This is part one of a gorgeous threesome story written and read by SpenPErotica. To whet your appetite, a little exhibitionism in the lift at the hotel…
The message you had sent me earlier had me intrigued. ‘Room 1285. Hurry, I have a present for you…’

First time femme domme: anticipation, pain and pleasure
This fabulous first time femme domme story is written and recorded by Robyn of RobynEatsEverything. This piece contains BDSM including impact play, nipple clamps, and a pinwheel.
As my finger hovers a centimetre away from their skin, threatening to make contact, they start to beg; they whimper and whine and plead with me to touch them. Their face is contorted, their eyes crumpled closed, as though the lack of touch is causing them excruciating pain. I study them and consider gently pushing my finger into their chest, granting them the relief they’re so desperate for, but only briefly; it is far too delicious watching them tremble and quake. As my finger continues to float its way across their naked body, closely following the contours of their chest, they let out an anguished groan as they realise they’re not going to feel it.

Gentle breath play: Breathe into my mouth
Sometimes, after we’ve fucked and I’ve come good and hard round his cock, he pulls out and lies back on the bed, holding me tight around the shoulder or waist with one arm, and stroking himself with the other. I like to watch him come. And while he’s pushing himself to come, if I can tear my eyes away from the sight of his beautiful hand gripped skilfully round the head of his fuck-wet dick, I put my lips right up against his. Almost – but not quite – kissing. Feeling his body tense and shake, inhaling as he breathes into my mouth.

Thunderstruck: Kissing in a thunderstorm
This gorgeous piece of thunderstorm erotica is written and read by Spencer Pritchard.
The downpour hit hard and fast. So hard, in fact, that just the sound of the heavens opening and the deluge smashing against the concrete slabs outside made us both jump! The day started off with a low, cold, harsh sun, the kind that forces you to squint as a bitter wind pinches at your face. The kind of weather that stops customers from heading to your pub, no matter if the heating was on full and the beer was good…