Tag Archives: noise

Just a set of fuck-holes

This glorious story about being used as a set of fuck-holes is written and read by the fabulous Sundial, and originally appeared on her website. 

And here I am, a nearly naked shackled X bent at the middle. The lower part of the X is formed by my gorgeous new spreader bar. My ankles are wrapped in the supple leather that are its cuffs, unable to move. My torso is laid face down on the table. My arms are stretched out, tits squashed under me. My wrists are secured in leather shackles which you (rather ingeniously) attached with belts to the legs at the far end of table, forming the upper part of the X. There is no give at all, I cannot move.


Sensitivity training: Sexual feedback for shy people

He’s pretty quiet in bed, so I’ve become used to turning up the perception dial on all the senses I use to tell whether someone’s enjoying themselves. Most notably when I’m sucking his dick or giving him a gentle hand job. I listen more intensely for the softer sounds he makes, and have trained myself to hone in on those little moments when his breath catches: if I tease the head of his cock with lubed-up fingers, for instance, or get the pressure and speed of a particular stroke just right. I place my hands on his thighs or hips, where the muscles sometimes tense as things start to build, or I press my whole body against his, to get an even better idea of how my moves are being received. I check in with plenty of ‘is this good?’s and the occasional specific question like ‘tell me which is better… gentle or firm?’. It’s a far cry from someone’s hands gripping my hair and shoving my throat onto their cock or loud moans telling me what a filthy slut I am, but I’m getting used to these quieter, softer responses. I’ve started to tune in to the subtle shifts in how he tells me he’s having a good time. So when I introduced this subtle guy to a sexual feedback technique for shy people, the fact that he used it – and the way that he used it – made me drench my knickers in an instant.


Top 4 top: “I’m going to fuck you now.”

This gorgeous erotic story about tussling to be the top is written and read by Lou Kane and originally appeared on his website. 

Danny pulled themself into consciousness with a reluctance softened only by the warm, familiar body beside them. Dreaming had left them hungry and hard amidst soft pillows and blankets and even softer company. They curled against Max’s back, planting soft kisses along sharp shoulder blades as they experimentally thrusted against his ass.


Making her cum: she’s such a good girl

This fabulous story about making her cum during a threesome is written and read by Robyn of Robyn Eats Everything

From this perspective, with my face between her thighs, her body looks so beautiful. The undulation of her belly into her chest into her breasts is art. When she moans or gasps or wiggles, there is a wave in her flesh, a delicious rippling which continues into the horizon of her.


By myself, but not for long: my first sex party

This incredible story about going to their first sex party is written and read by Robyn of Robyn Eats Everything. It originally appeared on their website. 

“Are you here all by yourself? Well, you soon won’t be.” My first erotic story, written when I was 19 or 20, was about a woman who goes to a sex party for the first time, by herself, to live her greatest fantasies. And here I am, going to a sex party for the first time, by myself, to live my own…
