Tag Archives: phone sex

Guest blog: It’s not sex addiction, it’s my libido
I follow a number of sex educators, researchers and journalists who are sceptical about the idea of ‘sex addiction’ – where an activity is so wrapped in societal shame, it’s hard to separate out what might be a ‘problem’ for an individual with what constitutes simply a ‘problem’ for a conservative society. As a result, I’ve always been hugely wary of anyone trying to tell me (or people I know) that we might be sex ‘addicts’ as opposed to just ‘fans of fucking.’ But as yet I’ve never had anyone write about sex addiction for the guest blog, so I was delighted when Big Ed Magusson pitched me a post about exactly this. He’s here to share his own journey exploring addiction and libido. If you would like to read more, his collection of short stories – Addictive Desires – is available on Amazon and Gumroad. And do check out his website as well if you’d like to read more of his work.

Spunky spree: Webcam sex with wordplay
This fabulous webcam sex story is written and performed as audio porn by Carolyna Luna, and originally appeared on her website.
I sighed and read the sentence a fourth time, slowly, so I wouldn’t trip up: “Katerina’s coquettish curtsy was her very own poetic punctuation to the resplendent recollection of having conquered such a cacophony of cocks in one evening.”

Guest blog: Zoom In – videoconference fucking
I would love to know how many people, since the beginning of 2020, have started having intense fantasies about videoconference fucking. I bet it’s quite a few of us. Personally I’ve reignited some of my conference call sex fantasies from back in the day. While I would never recommend actually getting it on (alone or with other people) when your work colleagues are on the line, that doesn’t mean you can’t dream about it. Wank about it. Write about it. Today’s guest blog is by Fajolan, who has written beautifully before on hands and surreptitious touching, as well as a unique solution to the problem of ‘getting a room.’ Now she’s here to share her own unique take on videoconference fucking, and I adore the detail of how it’s set up – the thought that’s gone into how it’d work as well as the hotness of the shag itself…

Spontaneous phone sex: tell me what you’re watching

Guest blog: Phone sex – how to connect at a distance
I’m going to keep the intro short and sweet this week – you’ve already met rmp792 in previous guest blogs, and heard his lovely voice reading sexy audio about such kinks as women in armour and begging. Today he’s here to give you some tips on (and a hot example of) using phone sex to connect over a distance. Your voice is one of the sexiest things about you. I’ll let him explain how you can use it to get your partner horny, even if you’re oceans apart…