Tag Archives: porn

Sex news: Twitter safe search and NSFW etiquette

Sex news this week: lots of people have been tweeting about Twitter’s safe search, which is now ‘on’ by default for a number of users (including me, which is WEIRD). If you’re following sex bloggers, porn performers, and other people who tweet adult content, here’s a quick guide on how to turn off Twitter safe search, and a little bit of info on NSFW etiquette and my own rules around tweeting sexy pics. As a bonus I’ll also give you some tips on how to support your local neighbourhood sex bloggers/adult content providers who might be getting a little bit downhearted by changes to adult content…


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Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center: don’t get your hopes up

Young people in the UK are crying out for good sex education, and they’re not alone. Many adults, annoyed by the poor sex ed they received in school, are keen to learn more too. They want to get inclusive, non-judgmental advice and guidance about sex and relationships. So usually I’d welcome any new sex education initiative – the more info people have, the better, right? Well, not necessarily. Let’s talk about the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center.


Wanking in a relationship

Wanking while you’re in a relationship: do you do it? Probably. Do you talk about it? Maybe not. There’s an unusual squeamishness about discussing masturbation when you’re going out with someone, most likely based on a hefty dollop of sex shame combined with a misconception about the purpose of wanking itself. Although there are lots of reasons to masturbate, some people still see it as an outlet for sexual frustration. The theory goes that wanking is a substitute for a partner, so if you have a partner there’s no longer any ‘need’ to do it. These people often – though not always – make their partner feel guilty for wanking. In turn, people like me make them feel guilty for doing that, and the cycle of guilt continues until we all have a really big fight.


Amazing inventions from the Goldsmiths sex tech hack

Right now, in this actual universe, there exists a robot that writes porn. That is a real thing, not just a dream I had. There’ll be more to this blogpost than that simple fact, but I wanted to put it first because it pleases every single aspect of my nerdy, sex-curious, erotica-loving brain. Last weekend, Goldsmiths University hosted a sex tech hack: they got a group of clever, imaginative people together and gave them a bunch of sex toy hardware to play with, then asked them to create things around the themes of intimacy, companionship and sexuality. One of the many incredible things that came out of this was a robot that writes porn.


Kinky porn made by kinky people

It would never have occurred to me that simply wrapping a belt round your wrist would be hot until I saw this kinky porn picture. Just as I’d never have realised that the sound of a belt sliding neatly out through the loops of someone’s jeans would be hot until the first time a guy did it, with fire in his eyes and an urgent need to thrash me. There are plenty of tiny details like this which – while not pornographic on their own – create a stronger horny sensation than anything directly explicit.
