Tag Archives: power

Deep throating the boss in the printer room

This fabulous erotic fiction about deep throating the boss is written and read by Sherryl Blu. Note that this story plays with boss/employee power dynamics and includes some hints of reluctance.

I didn’t usually find myself in the lift with my boss first thing in the morning. He was either in before me or he came in after lunch. Never would we arrive at the same time. But this morning, it would appear we were synchronised.


After hours – fucking the boss

This erotic story about fucking the boss is written by Scorpio Appetites, and read by Girl on the Net. Note this story contains brief use of ‘daddy’ as an honorific.

‘Hey, who’ve I gotta fuck to get another beer over here?’ I smile sweetly at the customer and put another Stella on the counter. I’m wearing a checked shirt tied low enough to show a flash of black bra and as much cleavage as I can muster, and I enjoy feeling his drunken gaze rake over me. I drink his impotent desire like a shot of cheap whiskey. The two feet of bar between us may as well be a trillion miles.


Fight me for it

I ask: “please will you hurt me?” and he stares down into my face. In contrast to my own childish eagerness, I always find this particular guy disarmingly grown-up. When I ask him to hurt me he replies, simply: “How?”. It’s not confusion, it’s a flex. He knows there are many ways to hurt me, and this feels like a way to neatly work in consent – giving me the task of articulating my desires aloud. In the moment I can’t work out how – my mind is just a blur of want. For him specifically. His strong arms, powerful muscles. The dominant way he carries himself. Combined, these attributes give a tall woman like me that precious, rare feeling of being outgunned. So I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind: “Just… fight me for it.”

Note: this post involves a super hot fuck that hinges on consensual non-consent, i.e. me pretending I don’t want to get fucked when actually I really do. The man who features in it knows this, and would not play this way with me unless he was confident I could (and would) withdraw consent if it all got too much. This post is not a ‘how-to’ manual on kinky fucking, there’s a lot of background chat behind this kind of sex.


The King’s Cock – a shameless medieval cock-fest

This shameless medieval cock-fest is written and read by Ariadne Awakes. Note: this story is a fantasy that contains kidnapping and implied non-consent.

“Suck.” The countless times she’d been issued this command and it still sent glorious shivers straight to her constantly aching cunt. It was the time of year the court had nicknamed ‘The Grand Suck’, where the King’s most worthy subjects had the privilege of watching their wives, daughters and sometimes mothers kneel before him and show obedience to the sceptre with which he ruled. His cock.


Make me wait – a dominant sex story

This dominant sex story is by sex blogger and podcaster Sherryl Blu. It is entirely consensual, but be aware before you read/listen that it contains elements of BDSM and power play and nods towards consensual non-consent

I liked rough sex
The kind that left finger marks on my throat and carpet burns on my knees
I liked it when you dominated me and told me to do what you say
I liked it because I was usually in charge
I usually called the shots
I usually got my way
But you…
