Tag Archives: shower

A supremely horny shower tease
This fantastic shower tease story is written and read by Sundial, and originally appeared on her blog.
I got back from work late on Friday, grateful to get in out of the cold. I found you in the kitchen, already getting dinner underway. I was tired after the week, exhausted really. You beckoned me to you, wrapped your arms around me and kissed the top of my head. I leant against you, enjoying the feeling of closeness, completeness, that you give me. A sense of pure relief to be with you, just you.

Guest blog: I came so hard I blacked out
As I hope you can tell from the title of today’s post, this week’s guest blog contains some mild peril. Luckily, the fact that you’re reading it is evidence enough that the author of the piece is fine now, so please don’t worry. And naturally, once you’ve recovered from intense sex (or a hilarious sex accident), human instinct is to share that story with anyone who’ll appreciate it. So please welcome this week’s anonymous guest blogger, with a true story about an extremely powerful orgasm…

Spray – Bukkake romance with a twist
This bukkake romance, by author Tabitha Rayne, originally appeared on her website.
Lise lay back wincing a little at the cool of the enamel as it touched her flesh. Her fingers gripped the edges of the roll top bath – a nod to the decadence of this once proud house now chopped up into high-ceiling, high-rent flats.

Watching him wank in the shower
Sometimes something is so fucking sexy it’s tricky to find the words to describe it. But I guess if what I do counts as a ‘job’, that’s what this job is about: finding the words to describe things that are so sexy they transcend language, making me want to curl up into a tiny, horny ball and just rub myself and wail happy things forever. So I’m going to have a go at putting into words the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me: the other day my partner let me watch him wank in the shower. I am now a broken, sated mess.

Guest blog: peanut butter, jam and my best friend
Some of my best friends are lovers. And some of my favourite lovers have been truly exceptional friends. I adore stories about those moments where friendship crosses over into sex, or vice versa, and this week’s guest blog explores one of those moments with such playful, impulsive sexiness that you’ll probably wish you’d met her and her best friend too.
So: whether you’ve slept with your best friend, or never even dreamed of it, I hope her story gives you something beautiful to think about over the weekend.