Tag Archives: stories
Guest blog: naked maid in San Francisco
Years ago when I used to browse Gumtree ‘sex buddy wanted’ ads for fun, I’d spot a lot of messages from submissive guys offering to clean my house in exchange for a beating. While I was pretty tempted by the idea of having the mould scrubbed clean from my bathroom, I figured, well, you get what you pay for, right? Someone who’s horny for a spanking is unlikely to make good work of scrubbing the bath. Still, I am delighted to discover that this arrangement does sometimes work, and while the housework/spanking exchange might not be the best idea, if you have cashmoney it’s more than possible to hire a naked maid.
This week’s guest blog comes from TeachersHaveSex. As you can tell from the blog title, right now she’s a teacher. But in the past she had a job that did exactly what it said on the tin: she was a naked maid. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I did.
Some sex stories will play in my head forever
A conversation, late one night:
“What do you want to do that we haven’t done yet? What fantasies do you have that I could fulfil?” A slightly more sensible question than the ones I usually ask, and it gave him pause for thought.
Before you read on, I should tell you that this post contains dirty sex stories and fantasies that aren’t in any way safe for work.
What’s your seduction style? Mine’s ‘incompetent and terrifying’
When Valentine’s Day comes around I’m struck by the uniform nature of seduction – if we’ve decided to spend the 14th having a sexy evening in, we’re expected to conjure romance and sexiness using lingerie, rose petals, and a strategically timed raise of the eyebrow. Words like ‘intimate’ and ‘sensual’ are hurled around with casual abandon, as if these are things anyone can just conjure out of thin air. As if all sex starts with a soundtrack and a flurry of silk sheets and voile.
I can’t help but think I’m expected to charm guys into bed with grace and dignity, ideally leaving a waft of some expensive perfume leaving a trail from the doorway to the bed.
That is not my seduction style.
Guest blog – a butt plug and a frustrating breakfast
Mmm… secret sexiness. You know the type – when you and someone else share a filthy secret in public. One of you is wearing no pants, or you’ve been given a sexy challenge, or – as is the case with this guest blog – you’re wearing a sex toy in public, and you have to keep a straight face.
This week’s guest blog is by @Absolutely_Ruby, who started her own sex blog in 2014, and it’s well worth checking out because it’s smoking hot. I cannot think of a better way to start 2015’s guest blogs than with her story of butt plugs, sexual tension, and a really frustrating breakfast…
I bet you think this blog is about you
“I fucking nailed it. I am awesome.”
You are awesome. And something about the way you carry that confidence is beyond sexy. When you’ve nailed something you’re proud of and you carry yourself with a certain kind of swagger… unngh.