Tag Archives: true

I would, you would

The hottest thing about you – and please make sure you hear me all the way out, because at first glance it might sound dismissive – is that you want to fuck me. That’s it. The best fucking thing. The red-hot fire in the gusset of my knickers right now: I just know that you definitely would.


Guest blog: What counts as ‘too many’ sex toys?

You’ve met today’s guest blogger before – Elena Bennet dropped by a few months ago with this gloriously horny post about the sex surge during menopause, bringing everyone a thrill of delight by sharing her sex Renaissance with us all. Today is your opportunity to repay that lovely favour, because she has an important question on which she’d like your advice. If you have too many sex toys and it starts getting tricky to hide them from prying eyes, how the hell do you store them? Take it away Elena – everyone else, do chip in with your tips below.


Double dildo part 1 – fisting experiments with the sex scientist

This fabulous true story is written by EL Byrne, and originally appeared on her site – Lustitude. It is read here by Girl on the Net. 

When I arrive at his flat, my Sex Scientist is in the tub, his long lean body stretched out relaxing in the hot water, playing a trivia game on his phone – he’s winning of course. I settle into his flat, drop the food I brought in the kitchen, strip down to my panties, and go sit on top of the toilet seat. We spend a few minutes chatting and catching up on our week. I am always happy to enter our relationship bubble, turn off my phone, and spend this concentrated time connecting with him.


When should I stop masturbating over my ex?

Oh hey team, sorry to bother you. Quick question. Won’t take long. Just wanna sense-check something based on my own patterns of behaviour and whether or not they could be considered ‘normal’. Tell me: when should I stop masturbating over my ex?


‘Sorry’ seems to be the hottest word

Note, before we begin, that this post is going to describe a rape fantasy. I use the phrase ‘rape fantasy’ instead of something softer like ‘consensual non-consent scene’ because I think it’s more accurate. As with any fantasy, the fact that someone enjoys it in their head does not mean they’ll necessarily enjoy it in real life, and so my writing should on no account ever be taken as a justification to do anything like this with your partners. Nor even, if I’m the one you’re fucking, should you take it as permission to do it to me. If you fully understand this, and you’re not going to be freaked out by the idea of that, let’s talk about why ‘sorry’ is the hottest word you can say at the moment of climax.
