Tag Archives: true

Lust letter: you’re sexy when you do nothing
It’s really easy to talk about how sexy you are when you do stuff. When you perform delicate tasks with precision, or say things that make me melt. And logic might dictate that it’s harder to see why you’re sexy when you do absolutely fuck all, but that isn’t always the case.

Guest blog: My first e-stim session
I’m really chuffed to welcome @JenetalTorture back to this blog, whose past hits include a delightful, funny and sexy post on impact play, as well as this excellent blog on vac play that definitely doesn’t suck. Continuing the theme of introducing you to fun, sexy kinks, today Jenby is talking about the delights of e-stim, specifically overcoming fears and getting stuck in to her first e-stim session ever – enjoy!

No one puts baby in a corner
This hot submissive post is written by sex blogger Molly Moore, and it originally appeared on her site. This post contains pain and BDSM, including elements of reluctance/defiance. The encounter is entirely consensual.
I am never going to kneel quietly in the corner and wait for you to come for me. If you find me in the corner at all it will be because you have put me there.

Anal Sundays part 2: Butt plug accidents
I don’t want to write this post. The very idea of dragging the words from my head makes me want to cringe into a tiny ball. But I’m going to talk about butt plug accidents anyway. My reasons will become clear towards the end of the post but before I begin, a warning and a request. Warning: this post contains scenes that are a bit uncomfortable, especially if you’re not into anal stuff and are easily panicked. Request: if you know me in real life, I would genuinely rather you didn’t read this. It’s mostly because I feel I can be funnier and more honest about this incident if I don’t have to anticipate jokey conversations about it in the pub, during which I have to relive all the feelings that this incident triggered in my fluttery, panic-laden heart. So. If you know me, don’t read this. If you choose to read it anyway, pretend you haven’t. Deal? OK let’s go.

Fucked in the ass: how I prep for anal Sundays
On Sundays, we do anal. It’s not a hard-and-fast rule, although naturally we’re hoping that with enough ‘getting fucked in the ass’ practice for me, ‘hard and fast’ will eventually be the general tone of each occasion. But before we get to that point, we need patience, time, and preparation. A lot of preparation.