Tag Archives: true

Guest blog: High protocol – know your plays
As is my custom, when Jenby emailed to let me know she had a new pitch for a guest blog, I immediately squealed with delight. If you’re new here, you should know that Jenby (aka @JenetalTorture on Twitter) is the most prolific guest blogger on this site, and she’s also recorded some of her outrageously hot adventures as audio porn. I am always grateful to her for introducing me to cool new kinks – bimbofication, surveillance, twinning, lactation and lots more. Today she is here to share a kickass, horny and playful story about going to a high protocol kink event. What exactly does ‘high protocol’ involve? Will it be seriousness all the way down? Over to her…
The following piece contains needle play, BDSM, whipping/flogging, the use of ‘slave’ in a kink context, piss, trampling and electroplay.

You deserve to be loved
There’s never a bad time to hear this, right? You deserve to be loved. I don’t mean, in a basic way, that you as an individual are entitled to romantic love, or sex or companionship or whatever: those things can only be given freely, if other individuals choose. I mean that you deserve to be treated with love, by those who say they feel it. You deserve to be loved by them in practice, not just words.

Guest blog: When you loaned me out to your friend
This week’s guest post has me running eagerly to you yelling ‘THIS!’ – this is one of my absolute top fantasies, being loaned out by a lover to one of his friends and generally used and treated like a shareable toy. There’s something so delicious about the idea of being handed around like a particularly slutty package, and I think that this incredible guest writer – Vixen – has elevated it even further in the hotness by quoting from the actual voice notes sent between the men while she got thoroughly used. Please find yourself a quiet, private space and… ahem… enjoy.

Cover my feet in your cum
For as long as I’ve known that some men are into feet, I have wanted one to come all over mine. Masturbate while looking at them then squirt jizz out – covering my skin and dribbling in between my toes. I don’t think I have a foot fetish myself, but I do get off on fulfilling other people’s desires, especially if they sit outside of what the world thinks an average fuck might look like. So the mental image of a guy kneeling over me to cover my feet in cum has been one that, now stuck in my head, has resolutely refused to disappear.

I am absolutely terrified of the menopause
For some reason I worry that it might be offensive to admit this. Apologies if it is, I sincerely hope it isn’t: it’s a very real fear and I think I need to talk about it. Like the best horror films, I think this fear comes from the unknown. Or – worse – the partially known. I understand that menopause can give you vaginal dryness and hot flushes. I know that other changes happen as well, in your body and to your… I actually find it hard to write this down, so great is my terror at the potential loss of it… libido. I know enough about the menopause to understand that I definitely do not ever want it to happen to me. But I also know that it’s a privilege to go through. Ageing is a gift: it means I’m not dead yet. Bodies change all the time so we shouldn’t be frightened of change and… oh fuck. Sorry. Yeah. I can’t sugar-coat this, really: I am absolutely terrified of the menopause.