Tag Archives: voyeurism

In use: a gang bang fantasy
This stunningly filthy gang bang fantasy is written and read by Molly Moore, and originally appeared on her website. Note that this fantasy contains humiliation, degradation, restraints, a gang bang, mentions of piss play and elements of consensual non-consent.
I don’t have all the pieces. It is a fantasy. Sometimes they can be a bit like dreams, with bits that just happen, or locations that you don’t really know or recognise. It is about how it feels, how it makes me feel, much more than it is about the where or the who. There are various version of this fantasy, they share a central theme but the details change. I have never written this one before. It always felt too personal, too intimate in some way but the current kink of the week which is about being naked while everyone else is clothed made me think about this story and so I decided to see if I could give life to the images in my head.

Zoom orgasm: your task for today
This gorgeous Zoom orgasm story is written and read by The Barefoot Sub, and originally appeared on her website.
An unanswered email flashed up with a “follow up?” prompt. Hanging my head in shame I clicked “dismiss”. The email request seemed simple enough in theory, but the fact remained that I didn’t have permission to ask for a meet. Not only were the lockdown restrictions firmly in place nationwide, but in the summer Sir had agreed to me having a play date, and I had failed to follow through with my promise of sexy shenanigans when the chemistry had been missing and I’d changed my mind. Now I was to wait. Wait to be instructed to find someone to fuck me.

Who’s there? A first date hookup and a shadow
This fabulous first date hookup story is by Robyn of RobynEatsEverything, and is read here by Girl on the Net.
The pub was closing early. The two members of staff were busying themselves behind the bar and every glance in our direction was a plea for us to leave so they could go home. You told me you didn’t want the night to end here; there’d been laughter and anticipatory touches and plenty of eye-fucking across the table as I suggestively sipped my drink through a straw. As a first date, it was perfect. We reluctantly untangled our hands from each others’ across the table and said our goodbyes to the bar.

Guest blog: Voyeurs in the Bond villain mansion
This week’s guest blogger tells me – tantalisingly – that this story ‘may or may not be inspired by true events.’ I only pass this on to you so that you, like me, can tingle with a thrill of delicious envy when you read about the adventures of two people setting foot in a Bond villain mansion… and being invited to embrace their inner voyeurs as the guests took advantage of the many many bedrooms…

Total abandon: the ultimate goal for a masturbation voyeur
Second only to blow jobs, I think the most-covered topic on this blog is the joy of watching men wank. I am a masturbation voyeur: there are few things that make me hornier than seeing someone I fancy rubbing vigorously away at their junk, with a precision born of years of practice coupled with an urgent need to come. Recently, I got to watch an extremely hot guy do this and just after he’d come I tried to explain to him – with breathless and grateful awe – the exact moment when the wank he’d shown me turned from ‘hot’ to ‘transcendent.’