Tag Archives: wanking

Guest blog: What does a prostate orgasm feel like?

Have you ever tried to describe what your orgasms feel like? Back in the ancient days of this blog, I ran a competition to solicit descriptions of orgasms, and it was fascinating and joyful to see how people described each one. This week’s guest blogger is describing a type of orgasm I can’t ever experience, and so inevitably I was thirsty for detail and absolutely delighted when his post hit my inbox. Please welcome today’s fabulous guest, who’s here to tell you what a prostate orgasm feels like…


Ways to cum at the end of a wank (ranked by hotness)

Hi, sorry, excuse me, yeah sorry to bother you. It’s just I’ve been thinking quite a lot lately about all the different ways to cum at the end of a wank, and I thought/hoped you might be interested in this list. I have ranked all the possible spaff-styles in order of how hot they are for me to see/imagine. Before I begin, it’s important to note that every single one of these methods is hot: the baseline here is not ‘not hot’, the baseline is ‘let me watch you do it and my cunt will gush,’ but for what it’s worth, here they are in order.


ElectraStim KIX: my first e-stim orgasm

Sometimes I get to use my powers for good, and those are the funnest times. Today’s guest blogger (whose funny, sexy, brilliant work can be found over at her blog – Girl In Old School Trouble) got in touch with me recently to ask about e-stim. Was it good? Was it fun? Could she potentially have her first e-stim orgasm? And it happened to coincide with my lovely site sponsor ElectraStim having recently launched an entry-level stim pack – the ElectraStim KIX – plus a set of silicone finger pads that seem perfect for wanking. How did Girl In Old School Trouble get on with them? I had a hell of a lot of fun finding out…


Guest blog: Skin hunger – yearning in the darkness

Today’s guest blog got me so fucking horny. I’m not going to give it a much longer intro than that, but when this week’s guest blogger – Jocket – sent it through to me I was very annoyed that there were people in my house so I couldn’t immediately go and wank. It’s about skin hunger, and lust, and not making eye contact. Yearning and aching and relief. I adore it.


Guest blog: Menopause horn – the sex surge is real

We don’t talk about about the menopause and sex. And we definitely don’t talk enough about the fact that some people experience increased horn when they enter the menopause – as evidenced by the fact that as I was researching where to link to from this post, the NHS website entry for ‘menopause’ only lists ‘low libido’ as a possible symptom rather than a sex surge. Today’s fantastic guest blogger, Elena Bennett, is here to give you her story though: that of a woman with intense, delicious, powerful menopause horn. Take it away Elena!
