Tag Archives: writing

Rewriting history: should you edit old blogs to remove trash opinions?
For a while I’ve been contemplating a series of blog posts in which I argue, essentially, with myself. Taking on some of the bad arguments or terrible opinions I had years ago, which still exist on these pages for everyone to see. Every time my autotweet widget spits out something from the archive, I cringe in anticipation of what my past self said, ready to be embarrassed today by what I said five years ago. I’m not alone in this: we’ve all said things in the past that we don’t agree with today. And we all have to consider how we deal with embarrassing stuff when confronted by it, years later. Should we edit old blogs that we no longer agree with?

Eroticon 2017 – GOTN’s meet and greet post
It’s just over two weeks until Eroticon – the UK event for sex writers that has been the highlight of my year since I first went in 2014. I’m simultaneously excited and nervous, because this year I’m helping to organise it. As part of the conf, to help people get to know each other, each year Molly runs a ‘meet and greet.’ So: if you’re coming, copy the questions from the meet and greet post, and fill in your answers. Then share it, tag @EroticonUK, and meet some of the people who’ll be coming along.

Two things: women in literature and Skype sex blackmail
In two things this week we’re going to look at male authors writing women, and Skype sex blackmail. The first will make you laugh, and the second should make you very angry indeed.

5 years’ of sex blogging: the numbers and more
It’s been five years since I started this blog. Which is fucking bizarre when I sit down and think about it. Five entire years of my life – that’s nearly 16% of my time on this planet – has been spent sex blogging. For nearly three of those years being ‘Girl on the Net’ has been my full-time job.
So this post might be a bit meta and involved for some of you, but for others who are either sex blogging already or thinking of setting out, I wanted to give you as honest an overview as I can of what 5 years’ of sex blogging looks like. The numbers, the lessons learned, the mistakes and the occasional successes. Here goes.

In defence of writing confessional stories
I write confessional sex stories. Which is a weird thing to say because I’m not really confessing sins or expecting absolution. I’m just telling stories and expecting readers – if they’re kind enough – to click or share or stump up some cash for my books.
Confession is a pretty horrible word – drowning in centuries of expectation. It conjures images of the religious urge to ‘cleanse’ people of their misdeeds via exposure. Telling your stories so that others can judge you: shout ‘shame!’ as you’re paraded through the town. When you call it ‘confessional’, it’s a wonder anyone chooses to write stories about themselves.
But we do.