Search Results for: lust

This is what ‘lust’ means to me

I remember very vividly the first sexy daydream I had about a boy. I felt myself growing hot and tense inside before experiencing a release of arousal as the daydream came to climax. Not a real climax, sadly I’ve never had the ability to make myself come just by thinking about the right thing. But the right thoughts can trigger something intense, and this was the first time I’d experienced that intensity: the instant, shocking realisation that my mind could make my body do this thing, purely through the power of imagination. It was way more graphic than the purely cerebral lust I’d felt for guys in the past. When I talk about this feeling on the blog, I often refer to it as that ‘kick in the gut’ of lust. Or the unngh moment. Some fantasies might press a few buttons in your mind, sparking ideas and feelings that you want to follow up later, but these particular sexy dreams and daydreams are on another level: they kick me in the gut. Give me that unngh.


Champagne and Lust 2: The threesome

This stunning threesome erotica is written and read by Spencer Pritchard and it picks up the story from part 1 (exhibitionism at the hotel). Check that out first before returning here to dive back in… 

My mind is foggy. My eyes are bleary. My mouth feels like it is full of cotton wool. I can feel the warmth of your body to one side of me. I can just hear the shallow breath of you sleeping. I can feel the tell tale signs of a disheveled bed around me and the pliable but firm casing of your vibrator under my pillow. My body hair is stiff and matted with the previous evening’s sweat and come, and the sweet scent of hard sex lingers in the air. The hotel is full of noises. Maids cleaning rooms. Couples collecting their thrown clothes from the floor and furniture. People going about their regular lives in the street so many floors below. The shower in our en-suite running… I get halfway through thinking “…who the fuck is in our shower?” when the events of the past few hours flood my memory like a vivid dream.


Champagne and Lust 1: exhibitionism at the hotel

This is part one of a gorgeous threesome story written and read by SpenPErotica. To whet your appetite, a little exhibitionism in the lift at the hotel…

The message you had sent me earlier had me intrigued. ‘Room 1285. Hurry, I have a present for you…’


Guest blog: It turns out I’m not lust-proof

This week’s guest blogger has a happy story. One of those stories which makes me want to hug myself because a stranger found their joy. I’m really delighted to welcome Eddie to the blog, as he tells you how a Twitter crush taught him that – despite the bollocks he’s been fed by society about what might count as ‘desirable’ – he isn’t lust-proof after all.


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Illustrators! I need you!

The gorgeous artwork for this site is produced by the fabulous Stuart F Taylor, and sometimes he goes on holiday. I’m looking for someone who can draw 2-3 images to accompany some sexy blog posts in the near future.

Fancy seeing your work here on the site? Read below and submit your portfolio + rates!

What I’m looking for

Original illustrations in horizontal format (1024 x 768 px) with full usage rights for me at, and associated channels (i.e. twitter, Patreon, Mastodon, facebook etc). You can keep the rights to sell on elsewhere if you like/put on T-shirts etc, I just need usage rights on my own channels.

Quick turnaround: I usually send the blog copy (or a short brief with an overview of the blog) a week or so before the piece goes live, and I need the image a minimum of 24 hours before the post goes up on site.

A range of people: too many sex-focused websites limit their imagery to slim/white/cis/able-bodied people, so ideally illustrations should show a broad range of body types and people. If there are people you don’t see represented in the world of sex, and you’d like to draw them for me, I would LOVE THAT!

Not super pricey: obviously your rates are your rates, but if you are able to offer discounts for e.g. black and white instead of colour, or line drawings instead of detail, I would love to know about that pls!

What you get

  • Money (obvs)
  • Links to your site/chosen channel in the caption accompanying the image – whatever credit you like. The image will be used here (1/2 million pageviews+ per month) on the original post and also possibly on future posts, so you’ll get traffic every time it’s used.

How to submit

I don’t like making people do work in order to get work, so if you think you might be a good fit for this, just drop me an email – hellogirlonthenet [at] gmail [dot] com with a link to your website/portfolio, and your rates to produce an image as described above.

Do let me know if you’re happy for me to keep your info on file for the future too – right now I just need 2-3 images for a short period of time, but there may be other opportunities in future.