All Posts – Page 211

Guest blog: Smutathon – dirty stories for two good causes

I have a BONUS guest blog for you today, courtesy of the fab sex blogger The Other Livvy. She’s teaming up with some other sex bloggers for a ‘Smutathon’ – writing dirty stories for two excellent charitable causes.


Sexy shorts are the summer gift that keeps on giving

“SHORTS,” my brain screams, irritatingly. “LOOK. MEN WEARING SEXY SHORTS.” Try as I might to shut it up, it refuses to be silenced on the most important issue of the day. “LOOK,” it insists, even as I try to distract myself by remembering my times tables, “THERE ARE SEXY LEGS ALL OVER THE PLACE. SHORTS. LOOK AT THE SEXY SHORTS.” So I comply. I drink it in. And I melt with lust.


Guest blog: I’ve avoided guys eating me out… until now

This week’s guest blogger is Cassie C, and she’s here to talk about oral sex. Specifically, she’s here to tell you a story that’s equal parts relatable and saucy. If you’ve ever thought to yourself ‘I wish there was more porn about people eating me out’ then this one’s for you…


I want you to mouth-fuck me with a Cornetto

I don’t want your hot dick or your dripping, sizzling spunk: I want you to mouth-fuck me with a Cornetto. Take your sweet, tight arse to the shop and come back with a bag of lollies. Give me ice-cold bites of everything.


Collars and leashes and refreshing your kinks

When I was young, I wore a dog collar. A literal, actual dog collar of the kind you could buy from any old pet shop. Black leather, studded: the kind you’d use if you wanted your dog to look slightly menacing. I desperately wanted my boyfriend to clip a leash through the metal loops and pull my face onto his cock while I sucked him. But he never did.
