I really love it when I recommend toys to you lot and you have as much fun playing with them as I did. Doubly so if you’re willing to share your thoughts in a guest blog. Recently this fabulous guest blogger DMd me to say ‘OMG I cloned my dick’, off the back of a recent post I wrote about that very process. Unfortunately, in my own post, I couldn’t share an image of the cloned dick with you because it was so accurate and representative of my partner’s exact penis that we thought a picture would be far too intimate. Luckily for me (and you, I hope), today’s guest blogger is willing to share pics of his (scroll down to see ’em!), along with a few thoughts on what it’s like to look – up close – at a perfect replica of your own cock, which you have previously only encountered from arms length…
I cloned my dick and here’s how it went
As soon as I saw GOTN’s post on how to clone your dick, I knew we had to give it a go.
It’s lockdown; we’ve long since smashed through Tiger King and my wife is already sick of my repeated attempts to get her to sit down and let me teach her D&D. A fun, potentially sexy crafting activity would be a great way to pass a few nights.
I won’t go into the detail of how we went about ‘cloning’ my dick – GOTN’s excellent post describes the process way better than I could. Suffice to say it was indeed fun and incredibly messy… my kitchen still hasn’t recovered, two nights later. No, what I wanted to touch on with this post was the reaction I had when I pulled the thing out of the mould… the size of it, the shape of it, the utter weird oddness of seeing my own erect cock at eye level.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. Yet another ‘I Cloned My Dick And I’m Intimidated By It’ blog. They’re ten-a-penny in these post-apocalyptic times. But I had some THOUGHTS that I wanted to share and it’s barely an hour since I unwrapped the thing, so they are fresh in my head.
Firstly – the weirdness. It really is weird. I’ve never seen an erect penis so close up before; never mind my OWN. The detail on this thing is incredibly impressive and the tangibility of the process made it feel less like a sex toy and more like my actual penis, cloned and just… existing… in front of my face. The veins (very prominent as we had used a cock-ring when moulding), the ridge of the glans, the shape and size of it. Disconcerting.

Image courtesy of this fabulous guest blogger.
Also, yes, intimidated by it. Suddenly, the penny finally dropped as to why anal sex is problematic for us. Why my wife has always maintained it’s a ‘good size’… I say this not to boast, but because I now understood the reality of having this ‘thing’ staring you in the face. Never mind the size, when it’s waved in your face, you’re really forced to comprehend the thought of being penetrated by something attached to an actual human being. I’ve written before about my enjoyment of butt plugs and own a few but there is just no way I would try with this. Also, WEIRD. DID I MENTION THE WEIRDNESS!?

Image courtesy of this fabulous guest blogger.
I certainly felt proud of it. ‘That’s my actual cock!’ I thought, as I continued to stare at it. My wife had long since left to make a cup of tea by this point, so I had the time to compare it side-by-side with the real thing, just to make sure. It’s blue and glows in the dark, so I also closed the blinds and wielded it, with the appropriate noises, like a lightsaber – this was of course the point at which my wife returned, saw what I was doing, and immediately left the room again.
As for my wonderful (and apparently very understanding) other half, I know she’s excited to be able to try it out. We decided to embed the optional vibrator in the base, so we can’t wait to give it a test run. A vibrating me and a real me, inside her at the same time? She didn’t need much convincing.
Since sitting down to write this, I have idly wondered whether it would fit in my mouth. Normal? No idea, but I will inevitably try. Probably also not normal was my second idea, to dress it in a small cowboy hat and sit it on the back of a model horse, carrying a pistol. I have not yet done this, but the lockdown is long, and the boredom is inevitable.
Huge thanks to this guest blogger for giving us a dick-owner’s perspective on the cloning process. Double thanks to him for sharing pictures of his incredibly-realistic dick-clone so you can all see the level of detail that this kit produces. Triple thanks to him for mentioning THE ANAL THING. My other half also realised, as soon as he got up close and personal with his own cock, why I struggle quite a lot with the sheer girth of him. Dick-owners: know your power.
If you’re thinking ‘ooh I really need to clone my dick now too’, head to my site sponsors The Pleasure Garden, where you can pick up dick-cloning kits in flesh tones, neons and glow-in-the-dark. Use code GOTN10 for 10% off these or anything else on site.
Holy shit this was such a funny read. Great writing and I’m tempted to try and clone mine, now 😂
Thank you! Really glad you enjoyed it.
I would say go for it but after two posts on GOTN’s page I think they are selling out!
If you can get your hands on one though, it’s great fun.
I am open mouthed with wonder and amazement and curiosity. I am genuinely considering calling an ex that might consider doing this. The thought of real and clone dicks at the same time……
Thank you guest blogger, what a brilliant post. If I may ask, I’m kind of curious for the next instalment of THOUGHTS if your wonderful (and very understanding) other half doesn’t mind you sharing.
Thanks so much! We’ve had a couple of chances to play with the ‘other me’ and it’s so far proving better as a vibrator than a dildo since it’s a fair bit harder than the real thing (or most regular dildos) and the size is a bit of an issue…. will report back with more thoughts when we have them!
Ha! I had exactly the same obsessive “self-love” response as soon as I saw my prick reproduced in minute and impressive detail. I instantly understood just why every partner orgasms with grinding fucking – the curve and size of my bell-end just exactly stimulates the elusive A-spot just down from the cervix on the front-wall of the cunt. Of course, as soon as she left the room to do the washing-up, it was in and out of my gob. I may be bisexual because I really want to suck someone else’s prick now. [link removed]
Hi James, I appreciate you joining in below the line and you’ve left some really lovely comments. I just wanted to let you know, though, that the link to your website always appears where you include it with your name – you don’t need to append it to every comment. I appreciate that including it means you might get more clicks, but it’s generally considered a bit spammy to include in every comment as well. I am delighted you had the same reaction gob-wise as the guest author too – I haven’t yet asked my other half if it’s been in his mouth but I bet it has. Like, who could possibly resist?! =)
I am so amused at the thought of you wielding it like a light saber, as I can imagine my own partner doing the same ;)
With the glow in the dark one it’d be rude not to I reckon =)