Guest blog: Coming at her touch

Image by the brilliant Stuart F Taylor

I’m such a sucker for anticipation and build-up, so when the fabulous SymTrkl (who has written here beautifully before about gender-affirming ways to fuck) pitched me a post combining aching anticipation with a hands-free orgasm I was absolutely over the moon. She writes with such warmth and affection, while also making this whole story exquisitely horny. Huge thanks to her for this gorgeous piece.

Coming at her touch

She chuckled and made a joke about the movie we’d just watched. God, I could listen to the sound of her laughing all night.

“Yeah,” I stammered. I glanced at her, the setting sun casting her skin with an orange glow, and forgot whatever I’d been about to say. My gaze snagged on the curve of her lips and I found myself wondering how they’d taste. I looked away, trying not to stare, but not before I noticed her eyes flicking in my direction.

We walked down the cracked path winding through the park, talking about the movie, but I honestly couldn’t tell you what we said. I can remember the subtle swell of her hips, her toned abs peeking out from under her crop top, the vivid blue of her close-cropped hair. Seeing her looking up and down my body, licking her lips, apparently unconsciously. The way she stared at my chest, her eyes following the bounce and sway of my breasts while I walked. The sound of her voice, casual and easy and maybe a little flirty. The way her toned legs disappeared into her tight shorts.

Before long, we came to a bench overlooking a small lake. She sat down, patting the seat next to her, grinning invitingly. I sat, grateful to be off my feet, and for a moment we just took in the view. The sun had finally dipped behind the mountains, leaving the grass and trees painted in shades of blue against the red of the sky, both colors twinkling on the surface of the water. It was one of those perfect moments, soft and comfortable, the world as beautiful as she was, as we quietly enjoyed being close to each other.

“I had a really good time tonight,” she said, snapping me out of my trance. I looked over to see her surveying the lake with a smile on her face. “It’s been a while since I’ve been able to relax like this.”

“Me too,” I replied. “Thanks for inviting me.” I was staring at her lips again, noticing that she was nibbling them slightly, when she turned to look at me. Our eyes met and I froze, hypnotized, falling into her gaze. The silence stretched out between us again.

I traced my tongue across my lips briefly, trying to find my voice. “Is this… have we been on a date this whole time?” I felt a flush creeping up my neck, my face growing warm.

“I mean,” she said with a gentle smile, “I’ve kinda been hoping it was…” She shifted, her shoulder dipping slightly. I looked down, following her arm to see her hand sliding along the bench toward mine.

I gasped sharply at her touch as she took my hand, her skin soft against my own. My heart was pounding so hard that I was sure she could hear it. I felt a warmth inside me, starting where her fingers twined between mine, then moving up my arm, reaching my chest, pulsing between my breasts… growing, spreading… and the world seemed to shrink to the two of us.

A quiet moan escaped my lips.

I felt like I was melting into that soft warmth even as it took over my body, growing more intense as it reached lower, between my legs. My hips shifted involuntarily and I realized that my panties were wet with my arousal. Little sparks were starting to race up my spine, more and more insistent, my breath coming in little gasps. I leaned back, my eyes closing, my body moving of its own accord. As I moved, my top dragged across my nipples, the gentle roughness magnifying the electricity coursing through me. My thighs clenched together and I cried out softly as the warmth crashed over me like a wave breaking, meeting the cool light and then erupting. I could only let it crash over me as I came, my hips bucking, feeling her hand squeezing mine tight the whole time.

I didn’t know how loud I was being, I must have cried out, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t care. It lasted… seconds? Minutes? Did I spend hours cumming on that bench? I may as well have, it felt like it would never end, my entire body was on fire. Explosions of sensation surged through me, every last one of my nerves turned up to eleven. An eternity later, my orgasm finally started to fade and I felt myself drifting back down to Earth, enveloped in a soft blissful glow.

My eyes fluttered open, revealing the deep indigo sky. I was panting like I’d run a marathon, my panties soaked through, twitching as aftershocks rippled through me. Her hand was still locked to mine, and as I eased myself up I saw her staring at me, her eyes shining. She was shifting slightly, and I looked down to see her legs pressed tightly together. As I looked back into her eyes I saw her bite her lip softly.

“Wow,” she murmured, “that was amazing.”

I could only grin and nod, still shaking slightly.

“So,” she purred, her expression turning mischievous, “what do you think is gonna happen when I kiss you?”


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