Category Archives: Guest contributions
Guest blog: The goodbye we deserved
Places can have a really special resonance in our lives. When I travel around my hometown, I can’t help but remember different locations by the sexy things I used to do there. Sometimes the simple act of visiting a particular place is enough to bring back a flood of memories. And often, just reading about the resonance certain places have for other people is enough to send me off on a mental journey through all the places I once loved and fucked. This week’s guest blog, by Lauren, is a gorgeous story about exactly this, and it made me cry.
Guest blog: Wanking brought me closer to my husband
This week’s guest blog is a celebration of my favourite topic: wanking. Danielle H is here to smash a few bizarre notions about masturbating while in a relationship, and explain how wanking – and talking openly about it – brought her closer to her husband. Read it, nod vigorously, share it, then have a wank.
Guest blog: Fucking on a narrowboat
This week’s guest author lives on a narrowboat, and is writing about fucking on a narrowboat. Because there isn’t easy access to a computer, Sara drafted this post in an email and sent it on to me for editing. I couldn’t bear to edit too much of it, because I think the breathless, raw tone adds a lot to the eroticism of the writing. The confined space, the eagerness to fuck, and the pure and simple pleasure of the experience. Enjoy!
2019 call for sex guest blogs! Got a sex story, opinion or idea?
Hello! You seem like someone who might be a bit interested in sex – you’re here on a sex blog, after all, so you likely have some opinions and experiences relating to sex that the world would benefit from hearing. Whether you want to try your hand at erotic fiction, tell a story about something sexy you’ve done, introduce your kinks to a curious audience, or educate people on some aspect of sexual politics, I would really love to hear from you. Here are some sex guest blogs that were popular last year, and details on how to submit your own.
Guest blog: How – and why – to watch virtual reality porn
It’s Christmas, so there’ll definitely be some of you who receive tech or vouchers with which to buy that shiny new VR gadget you’ve been hankering after all year. So this week’s guest blogger, Tim Roberts, has kindly dropped by to talk you through the joys of virtual reality porn. How to get hold of it, why you should pay for it, and – naturally, because it’s here, and he knows exactly the sort of horny writing I like to publish – an in-depth, sexy exploration of why virtual reality porn is so hot.