Tag Archives: relationships

Love Without Limits: could your relationship survive Louis Theroux?

Picture the scene: you’re lying in bed on a Sunday morning, having a coffee and a croissant with your beau or beaus. The doorbell rings, and in walks Louis Theroux. “Can I get you anything?” he asks, as you grin to cover the weird atmosphere and desperately wish you’d had the opportunity to brush your hair or put some fresh knickers on. “Tea? More coffee?” Slightly-too-long pause. “And tell me…” he continues, in his lovably awkward way “Tell me – are you happy?”


Bitesize erotic stories: do you know what’s good?

A quick selection of bitesize erotic stories to get you going. All of these are true. If this has whet your appetite and you’d like more sexy stories head to the erotica or audio porn sections…

Him: Do you know what was good?

Me: What?

Him: Last night, when I sat on the floor under the desk and you sat on the chair in front of it naked from the waist down. When you put your feet up on the edge of the desk and then let me eat your cunt for aaaaaages.


Relationship myths: the biggest lies we’re told about love

The biggest lie we’re told about love is that the start of it is actually The End. The trial and strife and struggle of your day-to-day smooths out into plain sailing when you’ve someone beside you. You’ve walked into the sunset, and you live there now. It’s warm and calm, like the end of a summer’s day. Both of you have made it and you’re safe. The other relationship myths I’ve been told pale in comparison to this one: that love is easy, once you’re in it.


‘Marrying up’: every single layer of this is bullshit

I’m late to the party on this news, but a couple of weeks ago someone released some research about what straight women are looking for in a partner, and how they’re struggling to find someone because they’re intent on ‘marrying up’. There’s loads of bullshit to wade through here, and it’s quite fun sometimes to unpack it all, smearing it liberally all over the floor until you realise there’s nothing of value even hiding in the centre of what is a wholly ridiculous concept. Let’s look at ‘marrying up’ and ‘marrying down’.


Guest blog: Returning to kink after miscarriage

This week’s guest blog is by the wonderful @EuclideanPoint – a fellow sex writer and fantastic person who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting at Eroticon a few times. She’s here to talk about something that isn’t often discussed: miscarriage. Specifically about returning to kink after the trauma of a miscarriage, so be aware that the post could be a tricky read for some. As I’ve got older, and known more people who have experienced miscarriage, one of the biggest surprises is how we’re still struggling to talk about this heartbreaking experience. When she sent me her post, Euclidean Point wanted to emphasise that she’s on Twitter if any of you have struggled with the same thing and would like someone to talk to.
