Tag Archives: true

Eroticon 2023: Bumper Deluxe Almost Everything Post
In the week or two following an awesome event, there’s usually a lot of FOMO floating around, so before I get stuck into this mammoth post-Eroticon round-up, I’m first going to urge you to subscribe for updates on the website if you haven’t already – scroll to the bottom of the page and pop your email address in, or follow Eroticon on Twitter, Instagram or Mastodon. That way, whatever comes next, you’ll be one of the first to know. Note, too, that you don’t need to be a sex blogger/erotic creative/Only Fans superstar to come to Eroticon – everyone is welcome, as long as you abide by the event behaviour policy. There are many people who are dipping their toes into the world of sex creativity, or just toying with the idea of maybe starting to do something someday. And even if you never intend to make erotic content of your own, I imagine most sex nerds will still enjoy the talks and workshops. No guarantee that you won’t have been converted into a smut creative by the end, though…

The switch: “Now, it was my turn…”
This fabulous switch sex story is written and read by Robyn of Robyn Eats Everything.
I like it when an old fuck gets back in touch. They must have been reminiscing about me, my body, maybe what I can do with my mouth. They must have been feeling horny, feeling excited, feeling perhaps a little desperate. The first time round must have been good enough to merit a sequel, hopefully. Knowing someone is thinking about me that way, taking time over memories of me, is delicious.

Three things I loved about Eroticon 2023
I had scheduled in some time today to write a full post about Eroticon 2023 – I knew there’d be a tonne of stuff to cover after the weekend, and I had high expectations of myself that I’d be able to post something that covered a lot of detail. But having slept in till 1pm then frantically written some other stuff that’s more PR-focused than bloggy, my body and brain are both telling me to stop being a dickhead and have a rest before I tackle the big stuff, so I’m going to do a quick three things I loved about Eroticon 2023 (one speaker, one sponsor, and one wonderful moment) with a promise to get a fuller post live a little later in the week.

Guest blog: Birthday sex to Harry’s House
I was introduced to today’s guest blogger, Clara (@author_dunn on Twitter) by another incredible writer, who popped up in my DMs singing the praises of Clara’s cunt-dripping filth. And they were right: her filth is absolutely glorious, I adore it. There’s a softness to the feelings that surround the intensity and directness of the actual fucking, and that kind of writing presses so many of my buttons. I loved it so much I have another piece from Clara coming up in a few weeks too. For now, enjoy this delicious story about birthday sex, Harry Styles and soundtracks to (not) fall in love to…

How do I get laid without dating apps?
London has a population of almost nine million. It is one of the most vibrant, exciting, busy cities in the world. At the same time, most of the people who live here (myself included) have an instinctive distrust of strangers, and a powerful desire to not be bothered by one. So how do you meet people in this context? In the past I’ve relied heavily on dating apps. But as most people on The Apps agree, dating apps fucking suck these days. Let’s examine some potential ways to get laid without dating apps, with the aim that by the end of the year I will have DEFINITELY TRIED ALL OF THEM and if I haven’t you can tell me off for wussing out.