Tag Archives: sex advice

Guest blog: The video game sex challenge

If you’re a regular reader, you’ll have met Sara and Charlotte before – Sara shared an incredible story about getting released from chastity back in 2018, and more recently gave us a run-down of one of the coolest VR sex adventures I have ever read. If you enjoy her work as much as I do, you’ll be delighted to know that Sara has her own blog now. Read her sexy writing here, and follow her on Twitter @SaraCaneWrites, then come back to read this gorgeous real-life story of a video game sex challenge, in which her girlfriend Charlotte has to distract her before she reaches a crucial goal. A challenge, incidentally, that I find pretty fun myself, though I’ve never done it (or written about it) nearly as well as Sara and Charlotte…


Guest blog: Safe words aren’t magic

Today’s guest blogger is the excellent Quenby, who can be found at QuenbyCreatives on Twitter or over on their excellent blog Quenby Creatives. I’m especially excited about their post today because it takes a BDSM topic that is usually presented in a very simplistic manner and explores it in a lot more depth: safe words. Do you use safe words? How conscious is that choice? And are they serving the purpose that you need them to? Take it away Quenby…


Donna Rotunno: if you don’t understand this simple thing, don’t have sex

This might sound weird, but I’m actually pretty sick of talking about consent. As a fan of sex, what I really want to talk about is desire. Want. Lust. Need. Craving. But I can’t talk about all those cool things without also having to explain the basics of consent. Because some pricks still cannot drag themselves over this, the lowest possible bar. Consent! Fuck my life! It’s the most boring sexual basic! Consent is vital, of course, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t also dull. Like that bit at the start of a cupcake recipe where they tell you what temperature you should set your oven to – it’s not the most interesting part of the recipe, but without it you can’t make cakes.


Men: your consent matters too

Sexual consent isn’t gendered – at least, it shouldn’t be. If you’re chatting someone up in the hope that you’ll get to have sexy fun with them later, you shouldn’t be putting pressure on them to do things they don’t want to do, no matter what your gender or theirs. So apologies to everyone who knows this already, but I just wanted to pick up my sledgehammer and really slam this point home. Men: your consent matters too.


When are you allowed to share someone’s nude photos?

Picture the scene: a delightful sexy person has either sent you a nude selfie, or allowed you to take nude photos of them. You, proud that you own such a blessed image, are boasting to your pals about its hotness, which is so intense it’s practically burning a hole in your phone. Your mates ask for a quick peek of the treasured pic. Are you allowed to show them?
